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Above is a picture of Michael. I wanted a dark character that could be equal to Stephen.
Remember to vote.

Miriam wore a white baggy sweat shirt that had the Nigerian flag on it on a boyfriend ripped short.
"How do I look?" She asked Amaka who was staring at her the whole time.
"Simple yet sexy."
"Thanks, he should be here any second." She said fiddling with her phone. Michael was coming over. They had planned to meet on Saturday.
"Cmon lets go downstairs, I'm hungry." Amaka said as she led the way to the dining.
"Guess who knows her ways around huh?" Miriam asked with a smirk
"Amaka! I learn very fast." She said proudly as she took PureBliss biscuit from the bowl on the table and Miriam poured the fruit juice into a glass.

"Oh no! You two get out now!" Miriam commanded James and Stephen as they approached the parlor.
"Why?" Stephen asked irritated by her gesture.
"Don't give me that look! I'm serious you two." She said standing with arms akimbo.
"We just started watching our favorite movie." James whined and Miriam rolled her eyes.
"Okay boys, Miriam has a date to entertain we will..." Amaka was cut short by the door bell.
"He's here."

Miriam fidgeted as Amaka and the boys walked out of the parlor. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hey Michael." She greeted and they shared a brief hug.
"Hi Miriam, can I come in?" He asked .
"Sure." She said giving way for him to enter.
"Sorry I'm late." He said again.
"It's not a problem." She said as she led him to the sofa.
"Um what can I offer you, there's cupcake, biscuit, fruit juice, lemonade, so?" She asked counting with her fingers.
"There's something I want you have not mentioned." He said with a smirk.
"Which is?" She asked .
"You." He replied with a smirk and Miriam blushed.
"I'll get you lemonade and cupcake." She said blushing and walked to the dinning room to find eyeballs staring at her.
"What? You've never had a guest in your home before?"She asked as she brought out lemonade from the fridge
"I don't get, how is Michael your boyfriend? I mean what do you see in that guy?" Stephen asked irritated.
"Shut up Stephen, this is non of your business. Amaka please tell them to go up the stairs they can play what ever game they want, just leave this area." She sighed.
"So you two can make out huh?" James teased taking a bite of the burger in his hands as Miriam gave him the death stare.
"Cmon you two, you heard her." Amaka began pushing them.
"I don't still get what girls see in him." Stephen said irritated following James.

Amaka mouthed 'good luck' with a wink and Miriam waved. When they were out of sight Miriam took a deep breath.

"Sorry I delayed." She announced as she searched for him, he was standing by her bookshelf going through her books.
"No problem, I'm guessing your family are novel freaks." He asked
"Just my mum and I, my dad isn't the novel type, do you read too?"
"Eh not a big fan,my sister makes me read them especially the ones she writes."
"So I'm guessing you're the movie type."
"Favorite movie?"
"Games of Thrones." He said proudly.
"Winter is coming." She quoted as they chuckled.
"How about you?"
"I don't know, I'm trying to choose between Acrimony and Fault in our stars." She answered thinking.
"I'd choose Acrimony, that movie is too real."
"So is fault in our stars."
"Nah the storyline was just too cheesy, I knew one of them would die eventually, two cancerous lovers cmon!" He said as he took the last bite of his cupcake.
"Really." He said staring into her eyes
"I still love it though, and no Michael, 'Really' is not our 'okay.'" She answered like she read his mind.
"Shut up Michael!" She scolded as they laughed.
"In as much as I want to talk more, I have to go." He said scratching the back of his neck
"Really?" She pouted.
"Haha then you say really is not our okay." He said with a smirk.
"It isn't" she said as she hugged him.
" Thanks for having me. " he said
"My pleasure I had a good time." She said grinning, just she was about to close the door, Michael held her wrist and pulled her to himself, he was about to brush his lips against hers when she pushed him."
"No." she said softly .
"Cmon b." He whispered pulling her again.
"She said no douche bag." Michael and Miriam turned to see who it was. Mr eyebrows was across the room with folded arms and a stern expression
"Mind your business Stephen. "
"Goodbye Michael." Stephen said as he banged the door, Miriam was embarrassed, she was silent.
"Are you okay?" Stephen asked
"Yeah, you shouldn't have said anything, I could have handled it." she said facing the floor.

"Hey, what's going on?" Amaka asked walking in with James .
"Why does she look sad. Did that idiot hurt her!" James said defensively like he was about to run straight to Michael's house and throw some punch into his goddamn  face.
"No!" Miriam shouted, "He did not do a damn thing to me, and If they'll ever be a next time, please mind your business Stephen" She begged and ran to her room trying to hide back the tears that fell anyways.
"What did I do wrong!" Stephen cried frustrated. Amaka left the room and James gave him a pat on his back.
    Miriam slummed on her bed burying her head on her pillow. She did not want to think about what happened. It was just to embarrassing. What would have happened if she kissed Michael? She knew there was no way she would face Michael on Monday morning, things would be too awkward, and Eyebrows  made him look like an idiot by slamming the door on his face. I hope he does not think I have a thing with Eyebrows. Yuck! . She thought in disgust.

A knock on the door interrupted her thought.

"Go away" she whined cleaning her tears, she never let anyone see her tear. It was the no. 1 rule her father gave her.
"You know I'm not going to leave" A voice said and Miriam rolled her eyes dragging herself from the bed into a sitting position. The person walked in, silently, almost tip toeing, and climbed her bed. Reaching for an embrace.
"Amaka" Miriam whispered hugging her tightly like all her problems would go away with that hug.
"Tell me all about it "Amaka said patting her back and disentangling herself from the hug.
"I don't know, everything  went well, we talked, and joked, he was really curious to know about me, my likes and all. Then he decided he leave. I think his mum called or something. I went to see him off and he reached for a kiss." She said wincing like she was in pain. Amaka  eyes were wide open, enjoying the story.
"I could not, not that I was pulling the 'I'm not cheap' card. It did not just feel right, like I did not just feel the vibe, then.... Eyebrows showed up and demanded he leave like he was my mum or something. Michael tried to tell him to stay out of it,but Eyebrows wouldn't let him finish, he slammed the door on his face." She said angry
"I don't know his problem." she concluded.
"Woah! That's a lot to take in"Amaka said.
"I don't know if Michael will ever talk to me."
"He will, if Michael loves someone he won't give up, he'll just grow more hatred for Stephen."
"They hate each other?"
"Yes b, for 6 month now." Amaka sighed.
"I don't know b ask them." She lied.
"I just want to lie on my bed all day" she sighed.
"My mums calling, I have to go now. "She said as they shared a brief hug
"Bye" Miriam said almost in a whisper as Amaka shut the door.

"What!" Stephen asked angrily
"Because you had a fight with Miriam does not mean you should be rude to everyone" a voice said leaning on his door
"I did not have a fight with anyone, Miriam is fucking annoying"
"Can I come in?"
"No" he mumbled
"Was that a yes" the person asked hiding excitement
"Yeah" he said almost in a whisper regretting it
"It's okay" the person whispered and place her arms around Stephen, hugging him from behind, resting her neck on his back
"I'm not in the mood for hugs and all, In fact I value my personal space"
"I get it" the person said taking her hands off
"Get what?"
"You are scared"
"What can I possibly be scared of" he scoffed
"Michael, you are scared Michael would spoil your friendship with Miriam and you'll loose again "
"What?" He asked shocked at her response
"I'm not scared of Michael spoiling my friendship with Miriam, we don't even have one, we hate each other, you see how she acts with me even when I am trying to protect her" he said again annoyed
"Shhh" she whispered placing her lips on his.
"Amaka..." He whispered

Thanks for taking time to read this book 😘 I'm so grateful


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