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Above is a picture of Dara

Miriam walked out of the chemistry class. She obviously had an excuse, she told her teacher she was on her period and needed to rush go the school's clinic, then she rushed to her class.

Amaka was with some girls, chattering loudly. She sighted Michael sitting alone fiddling with his phone, lip singing to some song.

She sighed and walked to where he was.

"Mind if I join you?" She asked.
"Yeah, sure. You came to pay your debt?" He teased.
"I am not kissing you Michael. I wasn't really feeling chemistry class." She sighed leaving the Stephen part out of it.
"Okay red lips." He said in a playful surrender.
"Why does everyone have a nick name for me! Miriam is not a hard name to pronounce!" She whined. Covering her head on the desk.
"Really? Who else has a nick name for you?" He asked smiling.
"Steph... Uh no one." She caught herself. She did not want to cause dispute now.
"That idiot! Are you two close? I saw him in your house the other day."
"No, we are not. I am unfortunate to have him as a neighbour and my cousin's friend."
"I wonder what girls see in him anyways." He Shrugged.
"I know right! What do they see! He Literally treats all of them with disrespect!" She complained.
"Haha, the new girl is already knowing things."
"Why do you hate him anyways?" She rather asked.
"I rather not talk about it." He said almost in a whisper.
"Cmon! Tell me!"
"Stephen is a selfish, unreasonable, childish being." He concluded.
"I know, what did he do?' She said becoming impatient.
"Ask him yourself Red lips."
"Just spill the damn reason!" She screamed frustrated.
"Those Reasons, he stole the girl I had eyes on since SS1, he knew I liked her, but he still went ahead and chased after her and got her just to satisfy his big ego. I was annoyed. I made out with her at our dinner and he saw us. In her defense, he left her to talk to some junior girls who happened to be in the press team. She felt lonely and I was there. He got angry and we fought. That's how our friendship got ruined. I still beat him up after he posted nude pictures of Dara on net. Dara got humiliated and transferred to another school. You should have seen the marks her parents gave her." He growled angry. His voice so low, his eyes was fixed on his earpiece.

Miriam was lost for words, how would Stephen be so cruel to that poor girl. She felt tears finding ways to her eyes. Boys will always be boys treating girls like scum. She thought. Amaka knew about this? She asked herself.

"Does Amaka know about this?" She asked, Finding her voice.
"Amaka? Everyone knows." He concluded.
"I'm sorry Michael for losing the love of your life because of our favorite asshole."
"Yeah, I'm healing." He answered and she stood up.
"Excuse me, please."
"Oh sure." He said.

Miriam walked to where Amaka was. She was surrounded by girls listening to some story she told.

Miriam stood few feet away from the girls. She crossed her arms and tapped her feet, rolling her eyes. Amaka noticed her presence.

"If you'll excuse me." She said to the girls .
"what's up weirdo, you dont look okay." Amaka asked.
"We need to talk." She said as a matter of fact.
"I'm listening."
"Outside." She motioned and began moving.

"Miriam talk, you are being creepy!" Amaka blurted.
"You knew about Stephen ex?" She asked, not sure if that should be the first question."
"Yes Miriam, Everyone knows."
"Why did she leave this school?"
"I don't know girl, ask Stephen or Michael, they should know." She said.
"Dont play the innocent card with me,
"Jesus! Miriam, if you are really curious ask them. I saw you sitting with Michael you should have asked him." She said annoyed.
"He told me." Miriam said almost in a whisper.
"Amaka, I'm concerned. I don't know why you are still after Stephen after what he did to that poor girl."
"What exactly did Michael tell you?"
"The truth."
"How do you know what Michael is saying is true. That's from his perspective."
"God! Amaka, you dont want to tell me anything and you are trying to contradict my belief."
"Miriam all I'm trying to say is hear from both sides. I'm not telling you anything cause its not my secret to spill, okay!" She said clearly annoyed.
"I'm sorry if I upset you, but I don't want Stephen to hurt you. I know how sacrificing you are..."
"I'm not stupid Miriam. No I will never send my nude picture to any human." She cut her speech.
"Says the girl that came to my house, made me take her to Stephens place and asked me to dare her to make out with Stephen."
"Are you judging me?, is that why you called me? To tell me how much of a slut I am? If so thank you and get out of my life." She said with tears in her eyes and stormed out, leaving Miriam in tears.
"I did not mean it that way." She whispered after Amaka left.

"You loose the only friend you have because of some rumour." Someone said behind her. She turned around to find Mr. Eyebrows leaning on a wall.
"Shut up." She said cleaning her tears that still fell anyways.
"Because your stupid ass could not stay in class. The teacher paired us for a project." He said giving her an A4 paper walking away.

This day cant just get any better. She thought

For the rest of the day, Amaka ignored her, Stephen was annoyed for reasons unknown to her and Michael was at his seat drawing a girl.

226 reads, 63 votes. Thank you guys😍😚😚😚😚 I'm so grateful.

what do you think of this chapter? I have actually been in Amaka's shoes once so I understand how she feels.

Dont be a silent reader🙁, tell me what you think in the comment box, I promise to reply all comments.

Before I forget I learnt a magic trick. Tap on the star below and it'll turn Orange, c'mon try it!


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