Chapter Seven

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The next day was Friday and I wasn't really sure whether I wanted to see Cheryl. I mean with the whole incident and all, I think it's be a bit strange for me.

Besides I wasn't even sure if I did like Cheryl. And I wasn't sure if she just thought I was really pretty or if she did like me.


It was past lunch and I still hadn't seen Cheryl. I asked the Serpents but they hadn't seen her either. I did see her once today but she just walked into the school.

I bumped into Veronica who I'd gotten to know much better since we'd spent some time after the thing with Cheryl so I decided I'd ask her.

"Hey Veronica" I said.

"Hey Toni" She said giving me a hug.

The bell rung so I blurted out the question.

"Veronica do you know where Cheryl is? I mean I saw her go into school, and she's been present for attendance and all that" I said.

"Oh. She's not feeling well. She's at the nurse. I'll tell the teacher you went there too" she said.

"Thanks" I said.

I walked to the nurses office and saw Cheryl lying down in a bed.

"Why aren't you in class?" I asked.

"Go away Toni. Aren't you supposed to be in class?" she asked.

"Uh I came to see you. Heard you weren't feeling good" I said.

"It's not like your presence is making me any better" she said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"The whole thing yesterday. One of the football players payed me to do that. Said that I'd get $500. And I did. I'm not that much of a freak Toni" she said.

"Okay but I don't care about yesterday" I said.

"You look fine. So are you just faking?"

"Toni. I'm not one to fake for no reason. I'm actually sick. And you're not helping" she said.

"How am I not helping?" I said.

"You're triggering my anxiety Toni. So just go away before anything bad happens" said Cheryl.

"We're nothing but friends. Just like you said" said Cheryl.

"I'm still here and nothing bad has happened so..."


I looked away from her and said "What?"

There wasn't a response but when I looked back over at her, her right hand was on her chest and she couldn't breathe.

"Oh my god, what the hell do i do?"

She managed to write wait on my arm with her finger so she was having an anxiety attack so I'd just have to wait.

I hugged her and let her head rest in my shoulder as she still struggled to breathe.

"Cheryl are you okay? Can you breathe now?" I asked frantically.

She nodded but she started sobbing and I gave her a hug.

"Shh. You're okay now" I said.

She had quickly fallen asleep on my shoulder afterwards and I didn't want to wake her because she was a light sleeper so I sat there waiting for her to finish her 'nap.'

She was wearing the cutest pajamas too. She had a pastel blue short sleeved top on, with some matching fluffy pants with bunnies on theme, and white socks.

She had woken up after I slightly moved and said "

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