Chapter Thirteen

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We all eagerly went down the stairs and onto the huge couch that was now in the middle of the room. I looked outside and the sky was a very dark navy blue.

"Hey does anyone know what time it is? It's pretty dark out" I said.

"It's 11" said Fangs looking at his watch.

Fangs scrolled through Netflix looking for a movie and none of us could agree on something, so we had Veronica pick since she was the only one other than Cheryl who were fighting over what movie to watch.

"Can we watch Mean Girls?" she said.

"Well you're picking the movie so I guess yeah" said Sweet Pea.


"Okay Fangs we get it. Sit down" said Jughead.


We were already about over halfway done with movie. Just about after the Jingle Bell Rock dance thing. Everyone was pretty much in a Mean Girls trance; sucked into the movie.

I guess I kinda was, but I wasn't staring at the screen the whole time.

I was kind of being squished considering that I was sitting next to Fangs on my left, and Cheryl who was on my right, was leaning on me. Veronica was on Cheryl's right, and at the end of the couch, and Jughead and Sweet Pea were sitting on the floor.

"Are you tired?" asked Veronica to Cheryl.

"Hm? Oh, not really" she said.

"Okay" said Veronica.

About fifteen minutes later, Cheryl's head was on my chest, her arms wrapped around me, and was sleeping.

"Ha. 'I'm not tired' my ass" said Veronica.

I laughed and Cheryl softly said "I'm not sleeping."

"Betty's already dead asleep. Who's to say you aren't to join her?"

"Sure looks like you are" said Veronica.

"Well I didn't know there was a rule against hugging your girlfriend" she mumbled.

"You're gonna miss your favorite part babe" I said stroking her hair

"Even with your girlfriend Tiny, you still don't ever let anyone sleep peacefully, do you?" said Sweet Pea.

Cheryl hugged my waist a bit tighter, and I kissed her head, but kept my eyes on the movie.

"You guys are too cute" said Fangs.

"I agree" said Jughead.

"I second that Jughead" said Sweet Lea.

"I do too" said Veronica.

Veronica thought for a moment and then said "Choni."

"What's that?" I asked.

"You and Cheryls ship name, obviously" said Veronica. Veronica then said "I'm sure that Cheryl would agree with everyone else,  t she's too busy being cute herself, hugging you in her sleep."

"I'm off to bed" said Fangs

Everyone else left and Veronica asked "Aren't you going to go to bed?"

"I'm gonna stay here."

Cheryl shivered and shook from the cold in her sleep. I then somehow found the strength to carry her off of me and slept next to her on the couch.

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