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It has been a couple weeks since Emma settled into her new apartment. She had just made the move to LA, which was a drastic lifestyle change. The traffic was worse, the people were more diverse, and the overall persona of the city was just different.

Not to mention, she was alone. Once she hit eighteen, she felt the sudden urge to live out her dreams in the city she felt that would propel her success. She considered herself a social media influencer, and as mainstream as that sounds, it was taking her far. Emma just hit five hundred thousand followers on Instagram and she knew she could get further in an atmosphere that was more accepting.

Her home town wasn't getting her far and for a few years she struggled with sadness. However, she was determined to change that.

She was only making so much money, and with the amount she had in her bank account, she had barely enough to manage getting an apartment. Not the most ideal living situation, but it would have to do for the time being.

She was just getting back from her daily coffee run when she noticed two boys exiting the apartment next door to hers. They were both tall and broad, and not to mention—identical. The only difference she could tell between them was the slight hair cut difference and one had a dangly earring. She smiled at them quickly, struggling to find her keys which were buried in the mess of her bag.

They smiled back, walking past her and down the stairs of the complex. This was her first encounter of him, but not one she would have a second thought about.

The second time she saw them again was in the lobby where she was retrieving her mail. He had brushed up against her accidentally as he was leaving from getting his mail. He simply shot her a sympathetic smile, as to say sorry without actually having to mutter the words. Once again, it wasn't a moment that she believed would matter. She brushed it off without another worry.

The third time they ran into each other wasn't for another week. Emma was returning from a friend's house when she walked by him in the parking lot. He was waiting for his brother to exit the car and doing so, he leant against the drivers side of his Jeep, watching her pass by. She was oblivious to his eyes on her as she entered the building.

It had been a complete month since she first moved in and she was pretty happy with where she had come. She met up with a few friends she met from Instagram and shot a few photoshoots. Somehow, she even managed to meet up with Bryant, who was known for his incredible photography.

That night, as she walked tiredly into her kitchen to make a cup of iced coffee, she spotted a piece of notebook paper near her front door. Unusual, she thought. She walked towards it, curious as to what it could be. Her first thought was worrisome. She feared that the apartment owner had an issue with her, but then pushed the thought aside since a piece of notebook paper was far too informal for a serious matter.

Upon opening it, it was much different. In red pen, words filled the page in neat scribbles.

When I first laid my eyes on you, I was astonished with the beauty that appeared in front of me. Your gorgeous, long, blonde hair cascaded down your back in a messy ponytail with an adorable scrunchie that sat atop of your head. I was dumbstruck with the presence of you, but all I can do for now is admire you from afar.


The note did not leave a name or a signature or anything that could distinguish who it could be from. Emma felt surprised that someone nearby admired her and took the time to write a note for her. It was definitely a kind gesture, but she had no idea who it could have been that left it. She walks into the kitchen, where she initially intended on going, hanging the note on the fridge with a magnet.

For the rest of the night, she thought about the sweet words the note contained.

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