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When Emma returns home that night, a smile has yet to leave her face. Within a month of moving in, she has already found a new best friend and a lover, both conveniently right next door to her. Grayson, although identical to his brother, was much different. She was able to laugh and crack jokes with him, which was different than her and Ethan. When Ethan makes a joke, she falls more and more in love with his voice and his contagious laughter.

She wanted Ethan to sleep over again but he had plans early in the morning with Grayson and a friend and he knew he wouldn't want to get up if Emma was with him. She understood, time flew by when she was with him. She wanted to waste all her hours away with him.

She slips her hand into her hoodie pocket to take her keys and wallet out, but unexpectedly she finds something else along with them.

It was a note folded into a small square. She smiles, realizing Ethan must have snuck that into her pocket when she wasn't aware. She stares at it, noticing a small heart and arrow on the front with their initials, E and E. As if he couldn't get any cuter.

She unfolds it carefully, revealing a short message inscribed onto the paper.

My sweet girl,

Time has been inconceivable when you're with me. I lose all train of thought and the only action I'm capable of, is staring at you. Before I truly knew you, I was overtaken with your external beauty, but now I know you're equally beautiful internally as well. I got pretty lucky with a home run such as yourself. I hope you're having a good night, and if you need anything, let me know.


He never ceases to make her heart flutter with admiration. Emma closes her eyes, holding the letter against her chest. She was so fortunate to find a boy like him. A month ago she would have never had expected for this to happen. Now she really wishes he could stay the night again. She already misses him.

The next day she started to feel really lonely. When she's by herself, a sadness grows over her and she's not sure how to handle the silence. She usually tries to drown it out with music but now the only feasible solution is seeing Ethan again.

It was hard sleeping through the night knowing that Ethan was a few feet away from her but she wasn't able to be in his arms. It probably was a good thing she wasn't with him since he would have gotten up early and she would have woken up alone after just being with him. She's fortunate he now has a free day and she can see him again.

Emma started to get ready before she went over to his apartment. It was very minimal, whatever she did. She wasn't the most talented with makeup so it was for the better she didn't try too hard. That's not her brand anyway.

Ethan had texted her a few times during the day, but for the most part he was kept busy. He was just about to get home and it was what kept her going. Sounds pathetic right? He was gone for a measly day and she couldn't handle the separation.

That was a trait she didn't particularly enjoy about herself. She was very dependent on the people around her for company. She had also grown so attached to Ethan. She knows she has other friends but they didn't love her the same way, and that was what she craved. She wanted Ethan's warmth.

She heard a knock on her door and felt her heart skip a beat. Once opened, she was greeted with her favorite person.

Emma practically leaped into his arms and hugged him tight. She was not disappointed in the response he gave. He twirled her around like it was a new signature move. When he set her down, he leaned down and grabbed her waist, pulling her in close. His lips met hers and she parted them, allowing herself to revel in his touch.

"I missed you so much." She mumbled in his ear as they returned to another hug.

"I wasn't even gone that long, baby." He replied, kissing her forehead.

They left the hallway and entered into Ethan's apartment. Grayson had entered only a minute earlier and was in his room setting his belongings down.

"Can we watch a movie?" She asked. "I just want to lay with you."

Ethan nodded and led them into his bedroom. He directed her to go on her bed as she set the television up for Netflix. She pulled back the covers and made her self comfortable, not even bothering to wear shoes on the way over.

When he finished, he crawled on the bed and made his way over to her. Straddling her, he leant down and pushed a piece of loose hair behind her ear, beginning to kiss along her jaw and down her neck. He smirked when she groaned after he stopped. Ethan pecked her lips a few times before rolling over to lay next her.

Emma smiled, finally feeling like herself and happy. She was just happy to be next to her boy again.

this is kinda short but i wanted to post something. also ethans tweet gave me so much hope until he replied to it and crushed my dreams. but they're still real i know it.

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