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Ever since Emma caught Ethan at her doorstep sliding an infamous note under her door, life's been improving every day. She finds herself smiling more and promoting more positivity. Even her followers notice a change within her posts.

A week has passed since that day and she's seen Ethan almost every one of those days. The texts have been endless. He's always checking in on her or asking what she's up to. It's also really convenient they live next door to each other.

She hears a knock on the door and arises from her bed. She assumes it's Ethan, considering no one else really comes by unannounced. Upon opening the door, her assumption was correct.

She barely has time to mutter a hello when he places his hands on her waist abruptly and pulls her in close. He leans down and kisses her softly. She molds her body into his and snakes her hands into his hair. He kisses her a few more times before he removes his lips from hers and leans their foreheads together. His breath is hot and distraught.

"Hi." Emma whispers.

This was the first kiss they had shared and she was most definitely not expecting it. She felt dizzy, but she blinked through the blurs. Ethan had shut his eyes in bliss, tightening his grip around her. She rested her hand on his face and swiped her thumb over his cheek gently. He slowly opened his eyes after he heard her greeting, although he thinks the one he gave was plenty enough.

"Hey baby." Ethan says, rocking them side to side.

That name and that kiss was more than enough to send Emma's heart into overdrive.

When Emma doesn't reply, Ethan leads them into her apartment and closes the door behind them. He wraps his arms around her once more and lifts her up, twirling the both of them around. Emma laughs joyously which causes Ethan to laugh along with her.

Once he sets her back down on the floor, he asks, "Will you be my girl?"

She still feels the prominent mix of nerves and happiness, but looks up at him. She nods happily. As if she would have said no. You'd have to be a dumb bitch to say no to that man.

Ethan grins, raising his hand in a fist, and screaming enthusiastically.

"Emma Chamberlain said yes to me! Suck it world, you can't have her back because she's mine!"

Emma laughs and throws her head back in amusement. She didn't expect him to react this way when she said yes, but it'll be something she'll never forget. Boy, was he cute.

"Emmaaaaa..." Ethan draws out. "Can I sleep over tonight?"

She takes a second to reply.

"You can't say no, I'm your boyfriend now and those are the rules." He adds, leaning his head on her shoulder.

How could she possibly say no to him? He had such cute puppy dog eyes and they were mesmerizing to her. She almost felt like she was in a trance of his good looks.

"Of course, E." She replies, running her hand through his soft hair and pulling him closer.

Ethan picks Emma up again but carries her over to her bed this time. He lightly places her down and proceeds to lay next to her. She rolls over onto her side and lays partly on his chest.

"Do you have any idea of how happy you make me?" Ethan asks, mindlessly playing with her hair.

"That's some sappy shit, but I'll allow it. Only for you." She says.

Ethan shifts positions, and lays on his side to face Emma. He pulls her in closer and entangles their legs together.

He has a feeling that this might become a nightly ordeal. Because once his body knows the feeling of falling asleep with Emma in his arms, he's not too sure he'll be able to sleep without her. She's become addicting to him, stronger than anything he's ever felt before. No one's smile has drawn him in harder and no one's laugh has echoed louder. He feels like he's being hypnotized by everything that she is.

Not even his words could describe that in a letter to her. All he's able to do is show it to her and he has so many things planned to make her the happiest she has ever been.

a/n - im just gonna pretend this is how they actually got together

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