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Ethan knew that their anniversary was soon approaching. They had been together for almost a full year, just a week left until they hit that mark. He wanted to do something special, something to really show her that he was in it for the long run.

Along the way, of course, the ride had a few bumps but generally speaking, they argued pretty minimally. They both have met each other's families already and of course introduced each other to their friends. All of whom were very happy for them to see them with someone that brings them joy.

Life felt easy with Emma, there were so many laughs and so many memories shared that he'll treasure for years to come.

He stepped into Grayson's room and sat next to him on his bed. Grayson was scrolling through social media but when his brother entered, he clicked his phone off to direct his attention towards Ethan.

"Will you go with me to buy a ring?" He asks.

"You're going to propose?" Grayson asked.

Ethan shook his head, "No, just a promise ring. It's a bit to early to pop that question."

"Yeah, but I see how you two are together, you guys act like you're married already. Mom, dad, and Cameron already love her to death, she's won your heart, and she's practically my little sister. But whenever you think is right, bro." Grayson says, getting up to put on shoes.

Ethan thinks about it, but ultimately decides to wait a bit longer. She's not going anywhere any time soon.

When they arrive at the jewelry store, there are a lot of options. So many options he's overwhelmed on where to start. Ethan catches the eyes of an employee and he walks over to him.

"What can I help you with today, sir?" The man asks.

"I'm looking for a promise ring." Ethan replies.

"Any particular shape, color, cut you had in mind?" The employee asks, leading Ethan over to case of promise rings.

"Uhhhh, not really." He shakes his head.

They discuss specifics of the size and the band, and other things while the man takes a few out to show Ethan. Grayson was walking about the store, checking out the rings for himself. He stops at one that has two bands, one being an open circle, with another as a completed smaller circle that fits within the open one.

"Hey, E. I think you might like this." Grayson says, catching Ethan's attention.

He walks over and notices the one his brother is pointing at. This also causes the jeweler to join them and take out the one they were looking at.

"Ah, this is a good one. It's a two in one, give the open circle band as a promise ring and when you decide to get engaged, finish it with the completed circle." The man states.

"That's genius," Ethan says.

"You better thank me when you're married." Grayson says, earning a playful shove from his brother.

"I take it you know her ring size?" The employee asks.

"No, but I stole one of her rings since I didn't want to ask." He replies.

The jeweler nods, responding that would work fine. He measures the ring Ethan handed him and found the corresponding size in the ring he picked out.

He figured Emma might be surprised, considering proposal is too early and they haven't really talked about it. They spoke about the idea and how they could see each other being married but nothing in the specifics.

What's a better gift than the promise of forever?

The price of the ring was quite hefty, but nothing that Emma wasn't worth. He now buzzed with excitement at the image of her seeing the ring for the first time and he had the perfect idea on how.


The night before their anniversary, Ethan slept over at Emma's, which was a common occurrence. He had promised her not to fret with plans, stating he had everything planned out.

When she woke up in the morning, she found Ethan deep asleep next to her. Looking down at him, she thought back to a year ago from today, the day he asked her out. He kissed her unexpectedly for the first time and jumped in excitement after she agreed to be his girlfriend. It felt unreal that an entire year had passed. Emma felt like she had been around Ethan for as far back as her memory dates.

She begins to pepper his face with quick kisses in attempts to wake him. He stirs slightly, moving from his side to lay on his back. Emma moves over to sit on top of him, first running her hands through his tousled bed hair, then holds his face within her palms.

He opens his eyes, greeted with Emma hovering over him and he grins. It was a beautiful sight to wake up to. She leans down to kiss him passionately, disregarding their morning breath.

"Happy Anniversary, Ethan." She says, smiling softly.

"And Happy Anniversary to you, my darling." He replies, wrapping his arms around her waist tightly.

He quickly gets out of bed, and orders her to stay in the room and not leave. He wanted to set up the surprise in her kitchen as soon as possible since he didn't want to wait any longer for her reaction. Since they were over at her's, he wasn't able to set it up earlier, but luckily he only lived an apartment over, making it quite easy.

She whined, not wanting to be left alone right after they woke up in hopes they could lay around for longer.

He came back in only a few minutes, with a large box in his hands and a smaller box in his pocket. It took him only a few more minutes to set it up and place the ring in a perfect spot. Emma's suspense was increasingly growing as she heard clanging from her kitchen.

Soon enough, Ethan opened the bedroom door and walked over to Emma's spot on the bed. He motioned her for her to get up and he followed behind her with his hands covering her eyes.

Once they stood in front of the display he set up, he slowly removed his hands, allowing Emma to take it all in.

"Oh my god, Ethan! You didn't! That's so nice, thank you!" She said, once she saw the large, fancy expresso machine in front of her.

She hugged him, unknowing to the other gift he had ready for her.

"Look in the coffee mug." He directed.

She stepped over to look inside the cup which was positioned where one would normally go to make coffee. Upon looking inside, she froze.

Ethan stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist once again. She removed the ring from the mug and admired it carefully.

"It's a promise ring, I want you to know that I'm here for you forever."

Emma turns around in his grasp, tears in her eyes and her hand covering her mouth.

"It's so beautiful, Ethan." She whispers in awe.

He takes the ring from her hold and slides it on her left hand's ring finger delicately. She stares at it for a second, and looks up to him with a wide smile.

"I love you." Emma says.

"And I you." He replies.

sorry for taking so long to update, i hope this made up for it. but if you haven't read my other ethma book it's called drunk voicemails and i would appreciate it if you checked it out.

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