2: A Fangirls Dream

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Perhaps it was a dream, she thought. Perhaps if she pinched herself, she would wake up. But she didn't want to wake up. She wanted to stay in the dream world where all her fandoms came to life and she could bend her favorite series to her will while living life with her most adored characters.

In the morning she rode Alicorns across the sky with Sophie and the gang. In the afternoon she would explore camp half blood with Percy and Annabeth (who she only referred to as percybeth). As a true fangirl, she had already mapped out and memorized the camp, along with many other worlds she'd discovered through the pages of a book. At night she transformed into her animagus of a Pygmy Puff alongside James, Sirius, Lupin, and as much as she hated it, Peter Pettigrew.

It was all simply a dream come true. She shaped the story to her own dreamed up canon and watched her OTP grow old together.

The last thing she remembered before she jerked awake was complete happiness to be with her people and control over the dream worlds that the author (and with slight adjustments from herself) had made. Then her vision cleared and she woke up in the world where reading was prohibited and imagination was discouraged.

(Since this was so short, it would be cool to see how other people would complete the story or end the one I already created! So if anyone wants to do that then be my guest, I would love to read them and I'm sure others would too!)


Some of these will be much shorter than the rest and this is one of them. I just decided to have fun with this one and go a little crazy... you can ignore that last paragraph if you want to stay in the world that all of us fan girls have dreamed of! The references in this chapter were from Keeper Of The Lost Cities, Percy Jackson And The Olympians, and Harry Potter. But I'm pretty sure everyone will get those references except for the people who live under a reading rock.

~I Hope You've Enjoyed!

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