1: False Hope

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(Reminder: anything in bold is me talking, anything that is in bold and underlined is the first sentences that the book wrote, and anything in normal text is me writing on my own. Please give me any advice or help and enjoy!!!)

At first, we thought the black liquid was oil, that we'd struck it rich and that we'd be able to retire and live in leisure. We actually started writing down all the ways we'd spend the money. Our first choice was to follow in the footsteps of the Beverly Hillbillies and hitch up our stolen dominoes pizza delivery truck (funny story) to make the short trip down to California. But one look at our garage full of stolen treasures made us think twice about leaving our reputation behind.

As I suspected, my two colleagues jumped at the chance to retire in leisure and end our 10 year reign of being the ultimate robbers of the west coast. I, on the other hand, enjoyed the rush that came when our team of bandits ransacked a museum or looted a mansion on the foothills of Hollywood. But looking at that oil I let myself slip into a momentary dream world of what it would be like if it was all over and done.

So there we were, three tired bandits previously only holding excitement and energy in our grasps when we ransacked homes across the west coast. We all looked at this liquid in awe, this life changing black liquid that could mean freedom and retirement but could also be the loss of all we had worked to gain in our lives. Our excitement and hope had risen before we thought to ask the question "What if it's not oil?". As soon as the realization hit us that we may have built up false hopes, we ran to investigate the liquid flowing from the ground only to find out that it was water tainted by a black dirt substance. Any glimmer of hope was crushed as we saw what it truly was and realized that we all wanted to get out. Even myself, who had been so deep in this business I thought I would never quit, had begun to long for an end, a retirement, a paradise of nothingness.

Later that night we sat silently in our garage, not knowing what to do now that our sliver of hope had been dissolved into nothing.


AN: this is the first chapter and I really hope you enjoyed! Don't worry they are not all going to be like this. I started this to help me get better at writing because I know I need a lot of work before I get better! Please give judgements and advice and at the very least tell me what you think of it! Have a great night!

Ps: I'm in a different time zone than usual so I'm still on time with uploading before 12!

~I Hope You've enjoyed!

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