4: Childlike ImAgInAtIoN!!!

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"How did you know?" I asked, not sure I wanted to know the answer. I thought I had been careful. I thought she believed I was a lifeless beanie boo stuffed animal like all the other stuffed creatures on the bed.

"Easy! I set up my brothers go pro and spy'd on you while I was away!" My six-year-old Master, Clara, spouted out while smiling as if she discovered the cure to some disease.

"Wow... well congratulations master!" I smiled as I spoke, you see, stuffed animals were sent to the earth on a mission to make the lives of each and every kid 10 quadrillion times better. And in order for humankind not to go into anarchy because they didn't know how stuffed animals have the tendency to come alive, we pretend to be, well... Stuffed! The few clever kids that do discover our true form have the best childhood imaginable with us at their side (away from the adults of course).

"Hey guys, come on down she's a true believer!" I yelled over to my friends on the bed, well as loud as a creature like me can yell anyway.

My friends came tumbling down and Clara squealed in excitement. "You're all real! You're all real! We're gonna have so much fun you won't believe it!" We all cuddled around Clara as we created a plan full of imagination games galore. Soon she would grow up and forget all of this, but until then we would enjoy her imagination and try to plant a seed in her heart so that she would never one day lose it.


This was just a short and sweet lil one about a childlike imaginations a world where all the stuffed animals are alive and kicking! I hope you liked it!

Is this book good so far? I'm gonna try and publish more now that I'm getting used to my new schedule of life...


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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