Chapter 10

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**Nicki POV**

We sat in the living room after Drake had gone to work.

"Okay lets make our song." I said and made a little circle.

"Okay my name first!" Matthew suggested.

"Alright itll go likeeee.." I started a little simple beat by clapping.

"Fun!" Skylar giggled.

"M A T T" I clapped for each syllable then clapped three more times before saying "H E W spellssss" I made a drum roll by patting my legs, they joined in.

"Matthew!" Matthew said.

"Yeah!" I gave him a high five.

"My name now" Skylar said excitedly.

"S K Y" We clapped three times "L A R spellsss"

Drum roll...

"Skylar!" She squealed.

"Great now you try!" I gave her a high five.

"S.. " she started then looked at me confused.

"Use the song whenever you have to spell your name." I encouraged, "You can do it baby girl."

"S K Y" she clapped three times "L A R spells Skylar!"

"Perfect!" I cheered.

We did the songs a few more times and by then it was basically their nap time, they still had half an hour but they cant tell time. I took them upstairs read a quick book and tucked them both into their beds then went to my own bed and went to sleep.

*One Month Later*

**Drake Pov*

Nicki had left to meet up with her friend so I had chill time with the kids.

"Come on, we gotta go to the store and buy groceries."

At the store I had Skylar hold the grocery list while I grabbed a cart. I put them both in the cart and started going through the aisles.

"First we need milk" Skylar said.

"How do you know?" I cocked an eyebrow at her, the woman at the adoption center said Skylar couldn't read yet.

"Thats what it says." She showed me the paper.

"I thought you couldnt read or write."

"Mommy taught me." She smiled proudly.

"And me too!" Matthew cosigned.

"Wow okay, I miss everything when Im at work huh?" I laughed.


After we had gotten back home, I gave them both an ice cream sandwich and watched them color until Nic got home.


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