Storage Closet

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It was now Friday of the same week, and the situation had escalated unbeknownst to anyone but Peter.

The difference being that now just the thought of leaving his room for any reason other than patrol made him sick.

With the little food he had in his stomach, he felt terrible. Anytime he even slightly considered leaving his room, he would be physically and mentally onset with dread. His stomach would drop, his heart would fly to his throat. Mentally, his thoughts pushed each other around in his head for viewing.

Some of them saying things like 'You don't deserve to be around them.' or 'They don't want you around them, they don't care.'

Whilst at the same time others screamed at him with 'You're selfish! Making them worry about you like this.' or 'You don't deserve that attention, because they waste their breath thinking even for a second about you.'

So many polar opposite trains, it would often force him to curl inwards and push his hands over his ears. Despite his efforts he couldn't block out the thoughts. Because you can't block out something that's inside.

Peter had become agoraphobic in his own living quarters in a matter of days. Which is why he was almost trembling at words that Jarvis had just relayed to him. The message was simple. It was one he had received happily many times in the past.

"Mr.Stark would like you to join him in the lab after lunch."

It was easy. Or it used to be. But now Peter was lying under his covers, trembling and keeping his eyes shut as his thoughts bombarded him once again. He wasn't sure if he was going to go or not. He knew that he had too. If he didn't then Mr. Stark would surely come looking for him, and Peter would rather not have that conversation now.

Lunch came and went. Peter didn't attend the meal, but he did use that time to change into fresh clothes and out of the set that he'd worn for the past few days. He opened his door and slowly made his way down to the lab.

His eyes were glued to floor the whole way. By the time he made it to the lab's hallway, he had a cheerful expression plastered on his face, and despite the dread he felt, Peter entered the lab.


Tony turned the corner and his lip went upward into a grin, at the sight of Peter. The boy looked put together, clean.

But despite appearances it didn't make sense. The boy hadn't left his room for almost a week and then he comes to the lab at Tony's beckoning with a smile?

No, it definitely wasn't right, but Tony pretended to accept it and he and Peter began working on the spider-man suit together.


As Peter entered the lab, his mind began to roar to life.You shouldn't be here.

Nevertheless he walked towards his mentor and they began to tinker. You're going to mess it up. You're going to mess it up. Peter ignored his mind for now. You need to leave, before you ruin it. You're going to ruin it.


Peter was looking from a diagram of the suit to the actual thing.

Something wasn't right but he couldn't place it.

the screw.

He found the problem. He had put a screw in too early but another piece was supposed to be added to that spot first.

You've ruined it.

Mr.Stark hadn't noticed yet.

He will soon.

Peter Parker And The Ensuing AngstWhere stories live. Discover now