Field Trip

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( this chapter is pretty much fluff. Probably the only bit that will be in this story.)
A month and a half after the storage closet incident. 

Summer had come and gone by quickly after the incidents of the lab and storage closet. There had been a few more incidents of varying severity but Peter tried not to think of those. Now all he was focused on was getting through his last hour of school for the day and then going back to the tower.


As he and the others began packing up their items a good ten minutes before the bell were to ring his advanced chemistry teacher spoke, "Alright quiet down. I have a very exciting announcement before you all leave." The class looked at their middle aged teacher who appeared to be very tired but also brimming with excitement. 

"This year our class has raised a large amount of money and has gained a place for a field trip next week. The field trip will be at..." The teacher paused for dramatic effect, " Stark Industries!"

Immediately following the announcement the class was silent as if excepting him to reveal it as a joke. But when a few beats had passed they finally erupted in glee. Everyone except Ned and Peter that is. Ned had been to the tower many times before and well Peter lived there. 

Flash turned backwards in his seat as the teacher passed out permission slips and smirked at Peter, "I guess we'll finally get to see if Iron Man even knows your name then won't we?"

Peter ignored Flash and instead turned towards Ned who offered a small smile in return. 


The next day was a Friday, which meant that after school Ned would be spending the night. Peter had endured taunts from Flash all day and wanted to shred his permission slip more than anything else by the time Happy arrived to pick him up. On the way to the tower he and Ned both worked on their homework since they usually had many better things to do over the weekend. 

When they arrived at the tower and made their way up to entertainment room, the first thing Peter did was throw himself face first onto the couch.

"Come on Peter it won't be that bad." Ned say trying his best to cheer up his best spider friend.

The response Peter gave was muffled but coherent, "No, it is going to be the end of us, particularly me. "

"What's going to be the end of you?" Tony quipped as he entered the hallway.

Peter sat up quickly and responded," Nothing. Nothing at all." Unfortunately enough for him Ned also responded, "Next week our class is going on a field"

Tony nodded his understanding, "Did they give you some sort of paper thing for me to sign? They still do that right?" 

Peter nodded and handed him the paper which Tony signed with his classic Stark signature.


"Mr. Parker this is not funny. "


"Do not argue. I am forced to suspend you from the trip until further notice."

Deflated, Peter walked back to his desk with a downcast gaze.When he sat down he told Ned what had happened, "He doesn't believe that Mr.Stark actually signed it." Ned shook his head, "That sucks, but at least you won't have to go on the trip, right?" Peter only shrugged his shoulders in response.

When the day of the trip came, Peter stayed at the Tower. He hadn't had much else to do so he hung out in the medlab with Bruce.
They talked a little about his episodes but mostly just worked on a painkiller strong enough for superhumans with strong metabolisms. The medicine was mostly being made for Peter but the pair knew that there was definitely more like him out there who couldn't be effected by normal dosages.
F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke up around one in the afternoon.

"Dr. Banner, a tour is outside the medbay requesting permission to access."

Bruce looked over at Peter who was now keeping his gaze on the table and said, "Peter, stay in here. They'll be gone soon enough." He then walked out of the medlab and into the main room of the medbay, closing the door behind him and allowed entry to the tour.
Peter tried to ignore the knowledge that his class was right outside the door. He didn't want to see them.
He kept working on the medicine but was reaching a crucial portion of the making of it. He needed another pair of hands. He looked around but there weren't any nurses in the lab and he knew that the alotted time before the mixture solidified completely would be up soon and then he and Dr.Banner would have to start over.

Making a decision he asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to get the scientist for a moment.
"No, I will not become the Hulk for yo.."

"Dr.Banner, Peter Parker is requesting assistance with the experiment."

The scientist looked at all of the teenagers in front of him who were now talking over each other about Peter. He excused himself and quickly went into the other room to find Peter trying to stabilise the liquid so it wouldn't solidify yet. Banner began to aid the teen and after a few minutes both he and Peter stopped their ministrations after they had poured the liquid into the mold.
Banner stood up again to go back and tend to the crowd who was waiting outside. When he opened the door he saw that the entire class had gotten very close to the door and they were all now peering into the room at Peter before Bruce quickly shut the door and apologised for the interruption

He was bombarded with questions about Peter and what they had been doing.  Banner and the tour guide ushered the students out if the medbay and when the door finally closed he went back into the lab to make sure Peter was alright.

As Bruce had opened the door to deal with his class, Peter went still. He didn't acknowledge his classmates in the slightest. He just kept his attention focused on the liquid as it began to solidify.

When the door shut behind Banner, Peter untensed his muscles and wrung out his hands. He took a few deep breaths and tried to remain composed. It took a few minutes but he got back to normal, and began studying the solid pills with a microscope.

When Banner came back into the medlab he was a bit surprised to find Peter looking completely normal and studying the medicine through a microscope. He smiled at the teen and sat back down next to him. The pair kept working for a few hours until F.R.I.D.A.Y told them to start heading upstairs for dinner around five pm.

(Authors Note: this story keeps swirching from Jarvis and Friday as the AI and I apologise.)

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