Chapter Two

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 A/N: I hope you all are liking the story so far :) Please comment and let me know what you think, I'd greatly appreciate it bunches.



I pull up to the address provided, I look down the long driveway and gasp. It's absolutely beautiful! It's full of rose bushes, trees and just of sorts of lovely flowers. I roll down my window so I can smell them, it smells delightful. Sweet, delicious and just gorgeous. The drive way is lined with solar lights that look like little flowers, which fits perfect with the rest of the yard. When I get in view of the house I almost wreck, it's three stories high, painted blue color with rose outlines on the windows and door frames. It's amazing. Just freaking absolutely gorgeous. There's evening a tire swing hung from a tree in the front yard. The front porch has four rocking chairs on it, they are also painted blue and lined with the rose color.

I step out of my car and make my way to the front door. I press the door bell, even the sound of the doorbell is pleasant. I step back and wait. The door opens and two small kids run and jump into my arms. I stumble back a bit, not quiet sure of what just happened, then I look down to see two of the cutest kids I've ever seen. A little girl and a little boy. The little girl has strawberry blonde hair, green eyes and a smile that reaches her ears. The little boy has jet black hair, blue eyes and freckles galore. His smile also reaches his ears. They are gorgeous kids, so I can only imagine what their parents must look like.

I stand up and take their hands as they pull me into their home. The inside is magnificent. It's made of crystal, glass and everything shiny and see through. Yes, it's odd, but yet it's very exciting, because it's so different from what I'm use to. The oldest, the little girl, took my hand and brought my down a flight of stairs. It smelled like rose down here, and it's dark, really dark. It's a little creepy, but maybe I feel that way because this is all just so new to me.

The little boy grabs my hand and laughs softly, probably feeling the tension coming off of me. When we finally make it into the room down here I gasp, because I see the two most beautiful human beings in the world. Mrs. Wilkerson is a tall, slender lady with jet black hair and green eyes and Mr. Wilkerson is a tall man, his build is of the gods, his hair is strawberry blonde and his eyes are a almost glowing blue. They both smile as we approach them.

"I see you have met Clarissa and Clyde," Wanda said, "I hope they weren't any trouble."

"None at all," I answered still in awe, "they led the way to meet you."

"That's wonderful," she smiled, "children, run along and play while daddy and I talk with Mrs. Muller a bit, please."

"Yes mommy!" they both screamed and ran off.

"Your children are very sweet," I said, "they greeted me with hugs. It's the best greeting I ever had." I laughed.

"Those two are a handful," Mr. Wilkerson chimmed in, "but they know a good person when they see one."

"Thank you." I smiled at his compliment.

"Now, let's talk about the sitting job, shall we," Wanda asked, "since the kids adore you already, I'd say you have the job, so when would you like to start? We'd love you to start anytime, right honey?"

"Right." is all he said.

"I can start tonight if needed," I said chipperly, "the children seem eager for me to watch them, and I'd even watch them for free tonight."

"That's not neccessary!" they said in unison. "You can start tonight though, the kids will show you around. We will be back in a few hours, thank you Mary, you are trully a life saver. More then you know."

I smiled and watched as they left the room. I felt really out of place being in the room with them. I mean they are beautiful and i'm so not. I'm short and plump with wavy brown hair, brown eyes and freckles on my nose, I don't fit in here at all, but I guess that's why I'm just the sitter. I'm going to do my job and not put myself down, because if I do, I'll just give up and quit.And this time I'm sticking with it, and nothing or no one will push me away. I smile and yell for the kids.

"Clarissa, Clyde, come here please," I yell, "I want to play a game!"

"Coming," they yelled back. "What kind of game? Is it fun or boring like the last sitter?"

"I hope its fun," I reply, "but we shall see what you think. Do you have construction paper? Scissors? Glue?"

"Up stairs in the kitchen is scissors," Clarissa responded, "in that drawer over there is the glue and, bubba, where is the construction paper?"

"I ate it!" he giggled.

"You ate it?" I asked.

"He didn't eat it," she said laughing, "he always says he eats everything. I'll go look for it, be right back."

Clyde and I sat in the den and waited for her to return. Suddenly I heard a scream from upstairs, I grabbed Clyde and ran up the stairs and tried to find Clarissa. She was in the kitchen, her back was turned towards us, so I couldn't see anything. I slowly walked up behind her and glanced down to see what had happened. Blood, blood was everywhere. She c-c-cut her finger off!

"Clarissa, where's the phone," I screamed panicking, "you need to go to the hospital, like now!"

"No, no," she said and giggled, "it's okay, I'll be okay. Just give it a minute. I'll be fine, okay?"

"You are bleeding to death!" I screamed and ran around looking for a phone.

"Ouch!" Clyde said.

"What happened," I asked. When I looked over I almost passed out. He too was now bleeding. "What did you do? Why are you bleeding?" I was really panicking now.

The kids started laughing. That scared me even more! it's been about ten minutes now since they've both been bleeding and I still can't find a damn phone. I wonder if they even have one. I make my way back to the kitchen and find both kids washing their hands in the sink. I rush over immediately to see if the bleeding has stopped. To my surprise there is no blood, no scares, no nothing. You can't even tell they had cut themselves. It's like nothing ever happened! I sat down in the closest chair and breathed in and out. This is crazy, like really crazy. I know what I saw, but how was I to prove it when nothing is there to prove. I need an explanation.

"Okay kids," I say shakily, "please come sit and explain what just happened."

"We're magic," Clyde answered, "we don't get hurt."

"What he means is," Clarissa explained, "we aren't your normal kids, see we can heal ourselves and we will never die. Mommy and Daddy have put a magic spell on us, to protect us."

"So, you can't get hurt and you can't die," I asked confused, "then why did you scream like that?"

"We can feel a little pain, but not much." she stated matter-of-factly.

"How do you two know so much," I question, "I mean, I'm glad you're both smart, but how do you know so much about everything?"

"Well, we're a lot older then you think," Clyde responds, "I'm really fifteen, but I'm in this body for now. Sister is actually sixteen and well you get the point."

I just shook my head and laughed. I didn't know what else to do. Should I believe them? Am I losing my mind? What the hell is going on? Did I get myself into something I'm not going to be able to get out of? OH MY GOSH! Are they going to kill me and use my body?!

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