Chapter Five

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Chapter Five



"Show me what you'd like to wear." I said smiling at Mary.

"It's the pink dress and these black heels," Mary answer, "unless you can think of something else.?"

"This is perfect Mary!" Clarissa screamed loudly.

We all laughed. Mary closed her eyes, I waved my wand and poof! Her outfit was on and she looked beautiful! She didn't even look like the same person we knew. I had to reach over and close Clarissa's mouth, because it was literally almost hanging to the floor. She looked up at me smiling.

"Open your eyes and take a look!" We both said excitedly.

Mary took a deep breath, then walked over to her floor length mirror. Next thing we knew, she passed out. But, why? Was it too much? Did we over do it?


We watched in horror as Mary just laid there. It's been almost an hour now and she still hasn't moved. I checked her breathing and she's fine, but what happened for her to pass out and not wake up? Clarissa has not stopped crying since it's happened and now I'm starting to wonder if she had something to do with it. Clarissa can cast spells without even realizing what she's done. Hmm. I wonder.

"Clarissa," I say softly, "what were you thinking about when Mary passed out?"

"Um, I don't remember," she replies, "I think I was thinking about a nap, because I'm extra tired after using my powers to help Mary out. Why do you ask Mom?"

"Well, I'm thinking you may have cast a spell on Mary and made her fall into a deep sleep," I said smiling, "how long do you normally nap for?"

"About an hour or so," she said looking really confused, "do you really think I did this? I mean, I didn't even cast a spell or anything."

"Sweetie," I said, "you are apparently getting to the stage to where you don't have to cast spells, see, now you can just think them and cause it to happen. I believe that's what you've done to Mary."

"I cast a spell with my thoughts!" she screamed.

"It's okay darling," I laughed rubbing her back, "it was going to happen sooner or later, but see, it's a lot sooner then what we all expected. It's nothing to be mad about."

"Okay," she said nonchalantly.

Out the corner of my left eye I saw Mary starting to move around, she rolled onto her stomach and looked over at me and Clarissa. Mary must be very confused because she is now looking around, probably wondering what the hell she is doing on the floor. I stand and cautiously walk over to help her stand, but she just stares at me. She pushes herself up to her knees, using her hands and stops. Clarissa runs over and hugs her tightly. Mary hugs her and starts laughing.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Well, I thought about taking a nap," Clarissa starts, "then I put you to sleep on accident."

"So, that's why I'm on the floor in my good dress?" Mary questions.

"Yes ma'am." Clarissa laughs.

"Clarissa and I reliazed what happened to you only a bit ago," I state, "she has quickly gained acess to her 'thought' spells. She wasn't aware of what she did and nether was I."

"Okay, so you have new ways to cast your spells now," I questioned, "should I be afraid? I mean is this kind of stuff going to happen to me often?"

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