Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: Hey all, it's me, Misty :) I just wanted to personally thank you all for reading my story. It means so much to me. Y'all are absolutely the best :) I can't believe I have over 22 thousand reads so far, and it's all thanks to y'all. THANK Y'ALL SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!



"I can't tell you," she grins, "but I will tell you this." She takes a breathe, "you're going to be a daddy too." Then passes back out.

What is this woman talking about? I think it's the medicine speaking, because I know for sure that I am not going to be a daddy. I use protection with everyone.

"We're ready Doctor." the nurse says pulling me back to reality.

I start by slicing open the bottom part of her stomach, then everything goes quickly from there. My nurses hand me everything thing I need, and then one of the worlds most precious beings appear, and I grab him. I cut the umbilical cord, hand him to the closet nurse, and start working on getting the little girl out. I grab her legs, pull her out, suck everything out of her nose and mouth, then cut the umbilical cord. Both little ones are crying, feeling this small room with unbelievable loudness.

The little girl weighs in at five pounds, twelve ounces, and is eighteen inches long. The little boy weighs six pounds, six ounces, and is also eighteen inches long. They are both really healthy for twins, and we all know why.

Oh another thing about the babies is that, the little boy is a merman, and the little girl is a vampire. They are both going to grow extremely fast, which means, these two sweet babies, won't be babies much longer.



I quickly cleaned Mary up, stapled her stomach back together, then washed my hands. I know Dick must being going crazy, wondering what's taking so long. I'll have the nurse push Mary into her room along with the babies, and I'll get Dick.

"Nurse," I call, "get Mary in her room, along with the babies so I can get Dick."

"Yes Dr. Teston." she nodded.

I walked out of the surgery room, down the hall, and into the waiting room. Dick is laying across the couch, completely passed out. I can't help but laugh, because this is most likely going to be the last peaceful sleep he gets. I've had Mary in surgery for almost an hour, so I know he'll be excited to know everyone is okay.

I walk over, quiet as a mouse, not wanting to scare him. I sit across the from him, then clear my throat.

"Ah hrm."

"What, who, what's going on?" he sits up questioning.

"It's me, Dr. Liam Teston," I say, "I thought you would like to know the surgery went well, and everyone is great."

"Oh, that's wonderful!" he screech's rubbing his eyes. "When can I see them?" he asks sleepily.

"Now, if you'd like." I reply.

"Really!" he yells.

"Yes, come on, I'll bring you to your family." I say smiling.

We stand up, then walk hastily to Mary's room. Outside her room, I stop him, saying, "Go on in, I've got things I have to do. I'll be by later to check on everyone." Then I go to leave, turn around and say, "Be sure to pick out their names, because we need them, for their birth certificates."

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