Death starts to show

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Ash clouds and sliver bells

pink ribbons tied up in a bow.

The world turns round an angel

falls down and death starts to show.

That day started just like any other tori was reading some times mouthing the words in the book ,Maddie was having a tea party with her lifeless stuffed attendants and I was chasing Blue around the house and into the woods surrounding the house to get back whatever she took to get me to,chase her. " whew "she flopped down next to tori and I sat beside her. The little two story house was white the paint had faded and had a cobble stone path leading to the path into town. I turned to Maddie watching her clink tea cups and pouring nothing into a cup.

"Molly", Blue said grabbing my arm pointing to the edge of the woods. I looked to the edge there was a man there a couple men out numbered by six men coming out from the shadows. The man was thin and wore a suit I stood up watching him walk up.what were they doing here no one came through here? "Hello girls" his breath smelled like alcohol his dark eyes glinting. "What are you doing here"tori snapped at the man. One of the men stepped up,but the man stopped him "it's alright boy" the man said. "We're just passing though ,names Crowley so if you'll be so kind"said Crowley . Tori sneered and was going to say something but I interrupted "can we help you with any thing" I asked. I tried to keep things calm tori wanting to start a fight,blue being quiet,and Maddie cowering behind her a tea cup clutched in her hand. "Let's go" said one of the five men behind growing impatience. "No where are you going" tori asked clenching her fists. The man stepped up to tori "boy" Crowley warned "TORI NO" I screamed scrambling to hold her back as her fist met the back of his head. The boy winced he turned his head his eyes were black! Crowley sigh loudly "i am sorry girls it had to end this way"he smiled evilly as he took his knife and stabbed it straight through my stomach. I winced holding the knife where It went in i fell to the ground pain shooting up my back pain pulsing in my stomach that's when every thing went wrong. The air was filled with screaming,yelps,shouts,but a few seconds it fell silence "next time just walk away"Crowley growled.

Only when I couldn't hear there footsteps did I dare to open my eyes. The grass was stained with blood my friends they were gone! Blue was lying on her back, Maddie was on her side her throat cut ear to ear tori had been thrown slumped against a tree her head lolling forward as if she were asleep against the tree. "P-please I said horse "please some one help"I said begging. I closed my eyes when I heard a boom a shower of white light rained down a meteor shower? Is this an answer to my call? When one came straight toward me it hit my body surged with energy my vision blurred. The light faded and my hand with to my side it was healed! My caught a trail of blood coming from my friends I had a flare of anger for Crowley what he and his men had done blue light came from my hand and it traveled up the trails. When it came to there bodies it flashed and they gasped like being awoken from the dead they were back! I leapt to my feet and hugged all of them squeezing them. Then some thing fell on my head. I pulled it off my head it was tan and stained. I turned it over a straighten it out it was a trench coat what in the world was it doing here? I gather it in my arms and walked to the house I stopped before I got to the stairs "thank you"I whispered to some one who wasn't there.

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