Bulk bieceps

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I watched as thunder cracked across the sky in a brilliant flash of light. The car rattled as the thunder storm beat down on it. Every one ran for the safety of the hotel. "Molly",dean said snapping me back to reality I got out of the impala and started to head to the room slowly taking in the storms scenery. I walked in the room and sat down on the red carpet my ears pricked on the storm rumbling out side. "So why did you guys bring us along this time",Kevin said. "We'll we have a hunt as you know and we know Molly's been dieing to get out". I didn't look up from the floor ,but I listened. "There is some kind of festival in town I thought you guys would like to go while we hunt",sam said. He handed tori folder to the festival,thunder boomed outside make her jump "good one",I said to myself. Tori perked up and handed me the folder pointing to something. It read My Little Pony a wide smile slipped up on my lips and I said "blue they have doctor who and Sherlock".

The next day sam and dean dropped tori,blue,Kevin,and I off at the building holding the event. Blue and tori went their separate ways that left just me and Kevin. "Isn't their something you want to look at?"I asked him as we weave in and out of people's way. "He shrugged his shoulders and replied "not really but it beats translating a tablet all day,so where are we headed?". As we headed into my little pony I was amazed at all the beautiful candy colored ponies. I looked around for the ponies I did not have "hey look" I said to Kevin pointing to an Bon Bon placed by a Lyra scratch I chuckled under my breath as a look of confusion spread across his face. "So" he asked "which one of these ponies would you say i was?". "I don't know"I started then I spotted it,and with out thinking I grabbed Kevin's hand pulling him along, he kept up with me well not stumbling once. I showed him the white Pegasus with tiny wings and blonde hair and ruby red eyes;"Whoa that guys huge you think that would be me?",Kevin breathed. I nodded slowly and we continue to walk as he asks "What about dean?", "shining armor"I responded,"sam ?","twilight sparkle"what about tori",Kevin said "rainbow dash ". He smiles and says,"blue?" And I answer "Apple jack". We walk a couple yards in silence "what about you Molly?",he asked. I look down at the pony I have in my hand and show it to him "fluttershy"I say really quiet her coat was yellow and her mane was light pink she was also a Pegasus with three butterflies as her cutie mark.

Molly,Kevin and blue have headed off in their own direction as I shop for clothes and other things. Just because I am a hunter doesn't mean I can't have a seance of style,I think to myself. When I am just about down with shopping I see the long line of people at the check out stand. I groan and mumble under my breathe. I pull out my cell and text blue that I might not join her and Molly for lunch this is going to take forever!

I had broken off from Molly and tori to see the Sherlock doctor who attractions in the building. Stunning girls and hot guys wore life like costumes resembling the characters from my favorite shows. This one time I made a boy stop and take a photo,he was dressed as the 11th doctor with his blue collar shirt ,brown coat and red tie. Another was john from Sherlock he had on his black and white sweater the same one I was wear to the event. I bought some stuff too,I bought tori a charm bracelet the first thing on there being a flute and I got Crowley a necklace with a little crown on it for a joke. I gave in to Molly's silly little obsession with ponies and bought her a winged, yellow girl pony with light pink hair and butterflies on its butt. I did not understand why Molly liked ponies so much they were made for five year olds,but whatever it made her happy so why should I ruin it? I was heading to lunch when something caught my eye it was an empty child mask from the show doctor who it was a bit pricey,but I had just enough plus tax though I might have to talk some one in to buying me lunch. Then I got a text from tori but I ignored it seeing Molly and Kevin walk into view. This was my chance I put on the mask and walked slowly over to them ,walking in a mask it is really hard to see. As I got closer to them I saw that Kevin and Molly were holding hands their fingers inter locking together I could see Molly's cheek turning bright red if I caught her holding hands with an actual boy. I got as close as I could and said"are you my mummy?,mummy?". Molly nearly jumped out of her skin And Kevin laughed at my impression. I took the mask off siting at one of the tables and asked them "what's for lunch?".

After an amazing day spent laughing,talking and looking at ponies with Kevin sam,dean and sheriff Jody mills came to take us back to the bunker. We spilt up but Kevin rushed over just before I got in to the sheriffs car here I know they didn't have what you were looking for but I got you this he pulled out the bulk biceps stuffed animal I had shown him earlier I took it and breathe the word "thank you" ,a smile twitched on his lips and he walked to the impala. Tori was out cold,as I sat in the front seat of the cop car I squeezed the pony in my arms. "Did you have fun today?"sheriff mills asked. "Yes ma'am I wish we could do this more often"I answered. "We'll maybe some day you can"she responded putting her eyes back on the road.

Back at the bunker I walked to my room. I had gotten the biggest room of all three of us,it was almost as big as sam and deans room,but it was bigger than Tori's broom closet and beat Molly's tiger pelt on the floor. After I stopped to show Crowley what I had gotten him I headed back here. It was only a joke I didn't think he actually wear it ,but he insisted on me putting it on him. I pulled out my things to get something out, but my hand hit a switch and the floor gave way underneath me.

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