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I was in such a good mood I was practically skipping. "What's got you in such a good mood",dean asked. "I made you guys some thing you don't have to take it I was bored and and" I started to flush. "What is it",cas said biting into a peanut butter sandwich. I pull them out seven necklaces full of round beads and presented them to them. I gave one to Kevin his was orange, cas's was red,Sam's was white,blues was of course blue Tori's was hot pink and dean's was purple. "Thaaanks",Kevin said as tori gib slapped him "You d-don't have to wear it"I said just then the whole bunker shook. It dislodged only one book from the shelve and the air grew cold. Tori picked up the book it read "the story of discord the chaos bringer" she flipped to the first page and began to read,"Today is the day you shall die
When the elder finally rise.
In the shape of man or dragconius
He'll return to grant his last wishes.
Your last hours will be fill with misery
Though his origin is a mystery
Today you won't feel quite yourself
your discorded can't you tell?",
Tori finished. "Well that was weird" I said, "yep it is the men of letters after all",dean said walking away. I walked back up to the library table my heart sank. No one had taken my necklaces and I had worked all night on them through hand crams and crashing from lack of sleep I was starting to get mad ,but it quickly faded if they don't want it they don't have to. It's the thought that counts right?
I was walking back from the kitchen I had to take a break from the tablet every once and a while. I felt a little guilty not taking Molly's necklace but to be honest oranges not my favorite color it just never stood out to me. As I sit back down I see something move out of the corner of my sight. I sigh get up again and walk towards it an apple hits me square in the face. Two for follow and they start to roll and I follow when I round a corner they've disappeared. I peer in mirror and wonder have I gone crazy yet then I notice i am not quite lined up with the mirror but the person in the mirror lined up perfectly. "Welcome boy to the mirror of fate ask your questions they will not be fake you may ask one question" ,it spoke. I thought about the question and asked "what's going to happen with the others and me will we be alright?" My reflection smiled and showed me the answer. Every thing was in ruins the place was a wreck my friends were yelling and arguing with each other. "I-it can't be it just can't be true" I watched my reflection comforted me" the truth does hurt tears do arise they release a sigh sometimes I lie is easier" "the color faded from by body I was turning gray. "Hey Kevin can you whoa",dean said from behind "Are you ok Kevin?". " uhhh yes never better ",I gritted my teeth, "nothing to worry about everything's fine".
I was drawing in the library. Something landed on my head it was a butterfly or butterflies there were three what are they doing in here? I grabbed a jar and slowly followed them they were fast for butterflies. I rounded the corner "there you are" I said to myself. I rounded a few corners before I found the three dead butterflies. " what are you doing here",a voice said in front of me. It was Jordan this was weird what was she doing here what are you doing here?"I asked her. "I asked first Molly I see what tori and blue are here there actually have the skills to be hunters",she said "I am a hunter",I mumbled under my breathe. She let out a laugh her hands slipping out of her purple hoodie that she wore often "please",she laughed. "How's your sister by the way", "leave that out of this"I said. "Oh that's right your the black sheep of al, those step kids and sister that your dad pays more attention to while he couldn't care less about you",she snickered. "That's not tr-" she cut me off "That exactly true and you know it if you didn't have cas's grace it would be the same thing", she continued. "The only reason they took you along is because they pitied you ,face it Molly your nothing". Tears swelled In my eyes they threaten to overflow but I blinked them away my sadness turning to anger the color washing away like water I was gray. "Hey Molly have you Seen what's wrong with Kevin?",Dean asked. "Oh boo hoo hoo what are you gonna cry"I snapped at dean his eyes growing large at the comment. "Molly are you alright"he asked his hand reaching out to touch me. I shoved him back and growled "I don't need you pity" I stalked off and said one last thing"why don't you find some one else to be disappointed in". "What Molly I am not-" i slammed the door behind me.
I was walking to the bath room when I spotted them three good sized blue jewels I reached forward but they rolled away from me. I hesitantly follow them is this a good idea tori I ?asked myself. I should go ask sam and dean if I could keep them they would make a lovely ring or necklace,but curiosity won. I followed them and they rolled into the wall. I should really asked I thought to myself as I walked away I ran up as I was turning a pale color "mine" I screeched. Dean was standing next to me when I grabbed them. He won't lay a finger on my jewels,but he just looked at me and called"Sam!CAS!" He left and walked away.
"Bye Crowley",blue said as she shutting the dungeon door. She had been visiting Crowley ever since that freaky game of hide and seek. She saw three balloons floating in the air they were doing some thing fun with out me! I followed the balloons I will make this party better. Suddenly I tripped on one of the strings of the balloon and laughter echoed around the room. "Huh stop laughing at me"I growled. As the laughter got louder the louder I have to scream for them to stop. I growled and ran from them bumping into something and falling on my butt. "Blue sorry I was trying to find sam maybe you could explain whats going on here?",Dean asked helping me up. "Why need a good LAUGH!"I said storming off.
There was something funny going on I couldn't tell what there was these black out I was having where I could remember anything,but dean saying he had once again saved my butt. A heard dean shout from somewhere but I could hear him that's whenI saw my phone ring but I couldn't hear it i clicked to answer deans called but no sound came out I dropped the phone and sat back down on my bed. I I don't under stand what's going on I everything went black. When I opened my eyes my brown hair was gray my eyes were gray what was going on. Dean opened my door "there you are he said right? "He asked. "What"I said back "okay so there something wrong going on in the bunker"he said. I looked at him and answered in a blasé tone "tell me why I should care".
What is going on where the heck is cas every one was fricken gray! I think it was that dusty old book we found this morning. Was it me or were the hallways getting longer? After like thirty minutes I finally found the library. Kevin was siting on the floor eating an apple in reverse that's not weird at all. Where is that book I need to find something to fix this. I spotted to book just where tori had set it down. Just before I got there Molly snatched up the book. "Keep away",before tossing it to Kevin. After several minutes it came back to Molly and I tackled her to the ground I hope I didn't hurt her too much. I cracked open the book and started to read after reading through the book and anything that mentioned discord there was nothing. "Fan friggin tastic", I said to myself there was nothing nothing I could do to help them. Some one threw some at me I heard sam and tori snicker. I was losing hope and anger boil up in me "FINE WITH FAMILY LIKE YOU who needs enemies". I sat with my head on the table everything was gray and drab. The only thing colorful remaining was Molly's stupid necklaces why even bother I thought no one appreciated them any ways. I picked mine up and looked down at the purple beads and I threw it. Of course discord had turn it in to rubber I came bounce back straight at my face. Color slowly coursed back threw me I don't know how or what ,but that was fricken cool. I grabbed a light pink off the table and put it on Molly color started from the part in her hair to her shoes. After a lot of kicking ,scratching and biting I got all of them on the others. It took a while to hunt down cas and when I found him he didn't put up a fight he just looked deflated and almost dead looking,but that didn't change the bunker chaos was spreading getting more violent by the second. I wild cackle sounded in the middle of the chaos. A man appeared in the middle of the library "who are you"I shouted at him. "Freeze",he said making me stay in place. He laughed and started to pin people back cas was pinned to the wall next to me ,swords and knifes floated near him edging closer each second. Kevin and blue were hanging by their ankles balloons wrapped around them,tori was turning to stone,it started slowly by her feet. Sam came from behind but he discord threw him into a wall. Molly jumped in front of sam just as he turned around he said i am sorry we got off on the wrong foot ,he said , my names discord and I just want a little fun. "Move",he said to Molly ,but she stood there. He growled and slapped her across the face she made the sound like a injured dog,she still stood firm. Discord tried his best to persuade Molly to move I looked closer at him. He was thin and was guess in a black coat he had a buzz cut black hair and a goatee. "Oh discord"tori said holding the book,"What" his eyes ,widen "NO" he said as tori slammed the book close. As I was allowed to move I rushed forward to stop an axe from crashing into cas's skull. He looked at me with that curious look in his eyes and said "thank you dean". After that i got a ring on my cellphone I answered it "sheriff Jody?". After a few minutes I hung up the phone and "said I think sheriff Jody got us a hunt".

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