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I tug on the black hoodie Kevin gave me so I wouldn't freeze. I picked up the boxes laying on the pavement I can't believe it's Christmas! I was sad that I wouldn't be home for Christmas this year,but it was better than to risk my family getting killed. Sam and dean had told all of are families we were off at a fancy boarding school. Snow laid thick around me,sam and dean didn't quite understand are fascination with snow. Being raised in the south I haven't seen snow all but once the rest was on tv. I hurried down stairs,pass the war table,and into the library. I set the boxes down six in all each family member from all three of us sent us a gift and something from home. I opened my thing from home,I smiled and removed the contents a sliver stand with a hook and an ornament wrapped in bubble wrap. It was my favorite ornament to put on the tree at Christmas a glass angel I placed it on the hook and sighed sam and dean looked at it with interest. "I got it playing dirty Santa ",I explained dean smiled I rolled my eyes "not that kind of Santa",I said. Then I heard blue tori tearing down the hall in their socks. They bump into the table sending the hook and the ornament cascading to the floor shattering into pieces. I closed my eyes and sighed "be careful"I said to blue,"worry wort"blue replied sticking her tongue out at me. "Hey they came in",tori said taking her boxes. Tori got her child hood stuff animal and a new top. Emily got some sort of box and a new doctor who hoodie. I opened my second box and smiled. In the box was the my little pony blind bag wave 11 set, I had hunted for months for these i had given up finding them. "Oh you are such a nerd",blue said,trying on her new hoodie. I ripped open the package to reveal flash sentry and cheese sandwich. "So did you guys get the food?'tori asked sam,"the food',sam asked surprised. "Come on guys it's Christmas it's for the party",blue said laughing. "Whoa we didn't say any thing about a party",dean said. "It's Christmas guys and it's more of a get together",blue smiled. Some how they agreed with it and I was excited until I found out I was cooking all the food,and It would take all day to cook that food. I was in a bit of a bad mood until Kevin walked into the kitchen still wearing his pjs,"don't eat all the food before cook it!",said to Kevin. He looked at the uncooked food "do you need any help?",he asked yawning ,"yes please",I answered.

After half a day of cooking I burned all the food like I expected to do,and by the end of the day I was hot and cranky and I wanted to groaned about it but I held my tongue. The only thing that i didn't ruin was the desserts."I am not a miracle worker blue!",I said to her she was upset about the food being ruined "please just make something",blue pleaded. I made pizza out of the left overs and the party started.Cas showed up and Crowley was let out of the dungeon which sam and dean didn't like but blue insisted to let him join. Blue came out of the other room and held up a glass mistletoe "looks like the men of letters liked Christmas!",she laughed and she tied it about the door. Kevin had stiffened the moment Crowley walked in to the room I knew these two didn't get along but not on Christmas we didn't need a fight"come help me with the deserts please",I asked him pulling him by the in to the other room by his hand. He helped me with the desserts and sat down in one of the chairs. I was lost in thought every one seemed relaxed even dean seemed to let his guard down a little bit.

I was snapped back to reality when I saw Crowley under the mistletoe looking annoyed"stupid enchanted mistletoe",he mumbled. "Any one a little help?",he snapped. "Excuse you?",Kevin said "it's a glass mistletoe and enchanted so it doesn't wilt and who ever stand under it is stuck until well you know the rules",he said smiling. Blue walked up and kissed his cheek before wandering off some where else"thanks love",Crowley said making his way back to his seat. I would have to be careful under the mistletoe I wouldn't want to have one of my friends caught under there with me especially Kevin. I shivered I liked him but like all the others I liked I was too afraid to ask him if he felt the same way and the kiss on the cheek yesterday make me gush even more. I put the pie into the oven and walked straight into what I was trying to avoid. I let out a squeak as Kevin walked under the mistletoe. I blushed a deep red and every one smiled and I saw dean smirk. "Please some one take it down", I stuttered,I shivered as Crowley spoke"sorry rules are rules". "Kevin um I am not com-",I whispered as he kissed me. I pulled away from Kevin retreating to the kitchen to hide my embarrassment. It had only lasted about six seconds but I smiled and sighed I checked on the pie and went back to sit with the others.

It was not long until dean got caught under it and got loose "cheater",Crowley hissed "beats kissing cas",dean snickered. Kevin smiled and whispered "sorry for stealing your first kiss",I froze how did he know. "But I think you'll like what I got you Christmas",he said smiling. He held it up,a hanging mobile with several hanging charms. A moose,angels,angel banishing sigil,tiny people and serval more hung from the mobile I smiled "thank you",I said. "We all chipped in we thought you'd like it better than blue and Tori's Christmas present",dean said. Blue and tori lifted up there shirts to show matching anti position tattoos. I smiled as I saw a tiny tablet "Its custom made", Kevin said making me jump. He leaned in and kissed my cheek and he smiled. Sam put the sliver hook back on the table and I hang the mobile on the hook. I pulled the pie out of the oven and for a time in a long time I felt happy.

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