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while myself and lannan were still sleeping, elliot came bursting into the room, shaking the covers over us.

"come on guys, we're all going shopping" he shouted, making us groan and sit up.

"okay okay just give us 30 mins" lannan replied, rubbing his eyes.

"we'll be waiting in the lobby" elliot said and made his way out the room.

as soon as the door shut, lannan turned and looked at me

"you feeling alright this morning?" he stroked my hair

"yeah, better i guess" i replied

"okay, let me know when we're out if you don't and i'll bring you back here"

"thankyou baby" i kissed him before getting out of bed

we got ready and got our things together. i took a picture of lannan and i and posted it on my snapchat story.

we headed down to the lobby and met up with the rest of click. there were 2 ubers waiting for us out the front. myself, lannan and elliot went in one whilst cray, bazza, marcus and kath went in the other.

after a short 10 minute drive, we reached the centre of Los Angeles where there was a whole range of shops.

we got out the ubers and started walking down the streets. every now and then, someone would be stopped by a fan for pictures.

we walked into a gucci store and had a look around. as myself and lannan were strolling around, a really nice pair of sunglasses caught my eye. i got a closer look at them and put them on.

"they suit you" lannan said, making me turning around

"you think?" i replied

"yeah they're really nice"

i took them off and looked at the price tag.


"well, nevermind" i sighed and put them back

"no baby they looked good" lannan said

"i know, but, they're so expensive"

"i'll get them for you" he picked them back up again

"no, it's a lot of money, please don't" i pleaded

"i want to treat you, let me" he smiled, going over to the counter.

"thankyou" i smiled as he came back with a bag in his hand, giving it to me

we all walked back out again and continued down the street. there were quite a lot of people around, going about their day.

more and more people began to recognise us all, especially because games con was tomorrow and fans were here ready for it.

they started to approach us, going round to each of us asking for pictures. as more fans gathered, it brang more attention to us, causing more people to get closer.

there were so many people swarming around us, shouting and pushing around, trying to get photos with as many of us as they could.

it was all getting too much, especially with the heat from the blazing sun and the added body heat from everyone surrounding me.

i started to feel faint and my legs began to shake, stumbling around.

suddenly, i fell down as lannan managed to catch me just before my head hit the ground and i blacked out.

The Aussie Next Door ~ LazarBeam FanficWhere stories live. Discover now