(I am here) Midoriya x reader

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This picture isn't mine, so all credit to the person. And this was a request from Denki-fangirl, so enjoy.

You were in a relationship with Bakugou at the time. You loved him and he loved you. All went well until you started talking to Midoriya or a.k.a Deku, your boyfriend got mad at you for talking to that loser. "Y/n why are you talking to that loser", Bakugou said angrily. "I have the right to talk to anyone, don't be jealous Katsuki.", You said. "I just don't like it", he said. You kissed his cheek saying, "Don't worry, I love you not him". This kept happening, you always talking to Midoriya and Katsuki getting mad at you. Until one day, you were walking down the hallway of the school, and your friend Midoriya. Started to run up to you just to talk to you. His shoe laces were untied, so he tripped and fell on top of you. He started blushing hard and you were about to push him away, until your boyfriend Katsuki picked him up and hit him towards the wall. He then picked you up and took you somewhere private. "Y/N WHY THE FUCK WAS DEKU ON TOP OF YOU", he yelled. "Katsuki, he tripped and accidentally fell on top of me, sorr-", you got cut off by Katsuki, he hit you..
"DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING TALK TO ANYONE, ESPECIALLY THAT STUPID DEKU.", He yelled. "And don't tell anyone about this", he said and you nodded without saying anything.

The next day....

Deku tried talking to you and apologies, but all you did was give him a small smile and a small wave. You guys were in class, and he went up to you and tried to talk to you, he gave you a gift because he was sorry. You tried not to talk but broke. You heard your boyfriend get mad, he grabbed your arm and dragged you out. He pulled you into a Janitor's closet.

Smack Smack Smack

He hit you hard this time. "I told you not to talk to anyone, but you disobeyed. Smack.. "And I Specifically said no talking TO THAT STUPID DEKU.", he said.


You guys went back to class with everyone staring at you. "Hey, you guys looked like you got in fight." Uraraka said. "If they did and end up breaking up. Y/n should end up with me." Kaminari said. Mina smacked him in the head and Bakugou growled. This kept happening over and over and over again. You were tired of it. You deserved someone better, but you couldn't leave him because he is going to keep doing it over and over again. One night, the whole class was going to watch a movie, around 9:30. You knew Katsuki would be sleeping at this time. Everyone was gathered, and ready to see the movie. They noticed you weren't there, so almost all of them went to your dorm and knocked. No answer.....
They started hearing sobs, so they asked, "Y/n, please open, what's wrong?" They asked. No answer again......
They sighed, but Midoriya was curious. Right everyone left, he knocked at your door. No answer again... He used all strength and busted the door open. He then saw your eyes watering. "Y/n... are you okay?", The freckled boi said. You shook your head no. He walked up to you and hugged you tightly. "What's wrong", he asked. "It's Katsuki, h-he hits me every day if I talk to anyone and especially you.", You said. His eyes widened in disbelief. "Why don't you just end it with him", he said. "I can't, if I do then he might hurt me more and might hurt you", you said. "Why would he hit me?", He asked
You stayed quiet...."Midoriya, it's because I l-love you and he knows that I care about you, so he might hurt you...", You said. "Y-you l-love m-me", he stuttered, "Yes I do", you said. "I love you too Y/n", he said. He hugged you tightly and you hugged him back. "Y/n?", He asked. "Yes Midoriya?, You said. "I am here for you and always will.", He said. You smiled and pulled him Into a kiss.

"I love you Izuku", you said

"I love you too Y/n", he said
You guys started to cuddle for a while. And you texted Bakugou it was over.
---------------------------time skip------------------------

He read it in the morning, and he stomped over to your dorm. He blew the door open and saw you and Izuku cuddling. He screamed loud and you guys woke up. He marched of to you and almost hit you, until a hand stopped him. It was Izuku, holding his hand from hitting your face. "Stop hurting her Kacchan", he yelled. Then you used your one of your quirks, and that was to stop time. You stopped time and locked him outside of the dorms.

You then stopped using your quirk and thanked Izuku from saving you.

"Thank you Izuku for everything", you said

"Thank you Y/n for making my life complete", he said while kissing your forehead.
_________________________________________That sounded very corny. Sorry Denki-fangirl if that wasn't good. Sorry I made Bakugou into a bigger douche than he was before, I love Bakugou don't get me wrong. Enjoy my crappy writing.....

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