Kirishima x (suicidal) reader p1

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This was not mine it was from my homie Denki-fangirl. This was all hers, go check out her work it's amazing. All the credit is to this dude. Love you bro but no homo, eh fuck it. All the homo bro. Enjoy....

This WILL have sucidle thoughts actions and bad words read at your own risk
A smile spread across your lips as you made it down to your kithen.

"What are you so happy about dip shit?" Your father asked you as you took a bite out of your apple.

"I'm ready." You said as you grabbed your bag.

"What?" He questioned as you left your house.
Time skip~

The day went on normally. You sat alone at your desk did your work. But this time you did something no one expected. You talked, smiled, and laughed. No one even bothered to talk to you. The fact that you started the conversation on your end excited your classmates. They've always been curious about you. But they've always been to scared to talk to you.

"Hi! I'm Uraraka!" A girl with short brown hair came up to you.

"I'm Y/N." You smiled.

"I'm Jiro and this is Tsuyu." Two other girls introduced themselves.

"Nice to meet you." It felt like it was your first day at school.

"Do want to maybe sit with us during lunch?" Tsuyu asked as she croaked.

"Of course." You smiled.

"Hey I'm kirishima and this is bakugo. Don't mind him he's naturally mad." The so called boy gave you a grin showing of his sharp teeth.

"Y/N." You smiled looking at the red haired boy whom you just meet.

"Want to eat with us?" He asked you.

"I'm sorry I'm already eating with the girls." You smiled as your heart clenched not wanting to reject his offer.

"Why don't we just all eat together?" Kirishima suggested as everyone in the class agreed.

Its like a party for my last day. You smiled at yourself as you thought about the idea.

The bell rang indicating the end of class. Everyone made their way to the cafeteria. Your heart raced, was this all really for you? That thought made you smile.

"So Y/N what's your quirk."A green haired boy asked you as he took out a notebook.

"My quirk is called nightmare I can practically see into anyone's eye and their most feared nightmare comes to life but only for them." Everyone awed at your quirk. Amazed by how useful it would be to fight a villain.

"Can you show us?!" Kirishima asked as his eyes sparkled.

"If you guys want I just need a volunteer." Every one pushed forward a boy with purple hair and balls.

"C'mom guys why me?"He questioned as everyone kept on insisting him to stay still.

"Okay just look at my eyes." You calmly said as he instantly locked eyes with you.

"This isn't so bad." He smirked as your eyes turned a deep shade of purple. "Ahhh!" He started to scream as he rolled on the ground. "Not an all boys school!" You quickly snapped your fingers as he went back to normal.

"Woah that's so cool." Uraka squealed in excitement.

"Thanks."You shyly answered as you covered your flushed face.

"Okay guys time to go home." Eraser head said as all the kids invalataryly stood up and left. Soon every one left and you started to walk home. You heard a stick crack and you quickly activated your quirk.

"Who's their?" You questioned as someone walked out of the Bush.

"Hey calm down its me." Kirishima put his hands up in defense.

"Dont scare me like that." You earned as your eyes turned back to their original eye color.

"Sorry I just wanted to ask if you wanted to walk home together."  He asked as he caught up with you.

"I guess." You shrugged your shoulders.

Time skip~

"Great dad isn't here again." You said sadly as you took off your shoes and started making dinner.


Your door opened showing your drunken father strugliing to walk. He started to scream out of no were.

"Were the hell are my cigarettes!" His voice forced you to freeze. "I said, were  The. Hell. Are. My. Cigarettes." He clenched his teeth as he looked you straight into your eyes.

Use your quirk. Use your quirk. Use your quirk. Use your quirk. Those words kept on repeating as he walked towards you.

"No!" You screamed as tears streamed down your face.

"Did you just tell me no?" He asked as he picked up and empty beer bottle. "W-wait!" You yelled as you escaped i to your room.

"Get back here." Your father's vice was muffled by the door but it was still enough to frighten you.

"Please leave." You wisperd as you went into your bathroom.

You took out a razor blade. Taking in a deep breath you grazed your skin with the sharp object as blood poured out. The red liquid found its way to your shirt. You quickly covered the wounds with bandages. Your tears feel on the wound making it burn but it satisfied you. It made you smile for an odd reason. You soon stoped and headed to bed. Your fathers yelling being the hurtful lulaby that  put you to sleep.
Another happy morning. You took out the papers you've written beforehand and left them on your table. You've actually are breakfast and made it to school  in time. Today was the same as yesterday except that colors seemed to be so bright and joyful.

"Hey Y/N wanna sit with me today?" Kirishima asked as his eyes sparkled.

"I'm sorry but I'm eating lunch at the roof today." You smiled.

"Oh okay." He let his smile fade a little bit before he replaced it again. The bell soon rang and you took out your bento heading to the roof top.

"10 more minutes and I'm free." You smiled as you stuffed the food into your mouth. You quickly finished placing the bento in a cloth. You stood of brushing off your skirt as you took the password off your phone and set it onto your bento. You took yourself to the edge of the roof. The cool spring wind blew at you as you looked down. Tears of joy left your eyes as you took off your cardigan and bandages showing your scars. Your back faced the street as you looked at the door you came through.

"Hey Y/N I brought you so-." Kirishima sentence was cut short as he saw you crying.

"Goodbye." You waved at him as you fell back.

"No!" He quickly ran and jumped off the roof.

"Stop!" You screamed as you realized it was to late. He quickly activated his quirk as he embraced you into his arms hiting the ground.

"Kirishima!" Midoria screamed as he ran towards both of you guys.

"Call an ambulance." Was the only thing he could say before he fainted.

"I'm sorry." You cried as your tears landed on his shirt.
Tbc: )
Go check out Denki-fangirl. This was her amazing story not mine. :))))

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