Jirou x !fem! reader

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Jirou is my second best grill. I'm sorry this will suck or what not. This will be short l Enjoy my crappy writting........

L/N Y/N, You quirk is Sonic scream (If you like DC Comics, I got the idea of Black Canary okay) I don't know what else to put, you limit is that if you scream a lot, you get dizzy.

"SOMEONE GET ME OUT OF HERE, PLEASE ", You screamed. You used your quirk to try to escape the metal box. "PLEASE LET ME OUT, P-PLEASE", you chocked out, then started to cry. You screamed very loud and got dizzy. You fell to the floor and cried.

Shake shake

"Y/N, WAKE UP", you opened your eyes to see your entire class in your dorm. They looked worried, "I'm s-sorry, it's my fault for the damage and waking you guys up", you said looking down and crying. "It's alright y/n-chan, I can create you sound proof walls if you'd like", Momo said. "I-it's fine Yaomomo, I can buy them myself", you said. Then you looked up and saw your best friend Kyoka with her ears bleeding. Your eyes widened to see her like this, it was your fault, you knew she was sensitive.

Everyone then walked out, right before Kyoka left, you grabbed her tiny wrist. "Kyoka?", You said quietly. "Yes y/n", she said. "I'm so sorry I made your ears bleeding, I know that you are very sensitive to loud sounds. My apolog-", you got cut off by her hugging you. "It's okay, but what happened?", She questioned. "I was trapped in some type of metal box, I couldn't get out so I used my quirk", you said. "Y/n, it's okay, I'm here for you", she said blushing a bit. "Thank you for being here Kyoka", you said hugging her back....
It was short, I know

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