know a little about me (old edition)

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Hewwo I am Luna but that's not my real name but chu can call me as Luna since I wuv that name a lot recently. I am 16 years old. I'm currently taken and my GF is my mommy. Also I am bisexual.

I wuv stuffies, Play-Doh, music, videogames, toys, cartoons, my onesie, cuddles, playing, drawing, colouring, reading little space books, and stickers.

My dislikes are yucky foods (but I'm saving to tell chu later on) bedtimes unless I am vwwy sleepy, when I'm grounded, when I hawe to do my haiw which it is vwwy hawd to do, cweepy stuff (my big self was watching scarry videos and when she had to walk I was super scared because of what she was watching before she had to walk) nightmares (once I had a nightmare that I went to little space at school and I was crying. Then two of my classmates, one of them ask me if I'm a Little, and the other told me that she a little as well.) and that I don't have that much toys because my mom (parent) gave them away.


How did I found out that I'm a Little?

Well I was reading a little space BTS fanfic aka yoongi little space (which it is my most favorite little space fanfic ever) and I was reading it nonstop and I felt that am not my normal age no more which I was super happy while reading it. I know it probably don't make sense and I'm sowwy for that.

What my little age?

I think my little age is 4-9 since I don't have a lot of tantrums but it happened before like about 2 to 3 times but I don't talk a lot during little space that much.

Do you have a caregiver?

Yes my girlfriend user88968519 but she doesn't make stories here

How much Stuffies you have?

I have 18 stuffies.


I think that about it for my introduction so see chu in the next part which is coming in about a hour so see chu later.

Yep I wanted to put that song

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