What I did on Satuwday

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Hewwo everyone pwincess Luna is finally back 'gain which today this mowning I I want to do a eawly update cuz why the fwick not. So let's begin rn. So yesterday I played in a arcade. Write a preview of a little space BTS chat fanfic on Wit which if you want to know my Wit acc is here on a pic.

 Write a preview of a little space BTS chat fanfic on Wit which if you want to know my Wit acc is here on a pic

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Which my big self have been working on a horror BTS chatroom but it have bad words. While me I pwobably working on the little space BTS chat fanfic which I still haven't work on part one yet 😓. Oh I also listen to music yestewday as well. Also oh the song that I been listening to lately is the rose baby which I love it so so sooo much. So I want to recommend it to you littles but the lyrics are sad but I still love it. Also in the next chapter I will either do a playlist or showing my little stuff but I have one of them that I got yestewday with my tickets from the arcade. But I'm trying to upload it here but it ain't loading 😢. But I think that's is for this pawt but I hope chu littles have a good day or 'ight since it's the afternoon here rn so baiii~ I love chu.

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