A lot of things to do with your caregiver/little

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Hewwo evewyone the cutest little who wuns this account is back again wif a new update an' today I' going to list things to do wif chu caregiver/little. So let's begin :3.

If chu don' see chu caregiver/little a lot wike me

Call them/ video call
• Text them
• Play online games wif them
Examples: Snapchat games, club penguin, any online game
• send them cute pictures/ colowing pages that chu did
• watch videos together though amino
• Send Pictures of yourself to them

• make something fow them so then you can give it to them

• have a bedtime video call/voice call

•  do digital art with them

When you see your cg/little

• run to hug them

• go to the park/mall (if you can)

•  watch a movie/show with them

• cuddle with them

• give them a few gifts

• play/color with them

•  read your little a bedtime story for when they have naptime/bedtime

• sing/dance with them

• play video games with them

•  be creative with them. (examples) draw, clay, color/paint and craft stuff

• play outside with them

If someone else have ideas please tell me in the comment section in this paragraph

I'm sorry that it's a short update and that it took super long to update. But here's the QOTD.

QOTD: What's your favorite thing to do with your cg/little. Or If you don't have a cg/little what do you want to do with you future cg/little? 

My answers:  My favorite things to do with my romantic cg is to talk with her and send her a lot of stickers/coloring pages. For my platonic cg, I enjoy to play ACNL with her, to talk with her and send stickers/coloring pages. If I had to take care of a little I would love to play and talk with them. (Since I currently not taking care of littles but I enjoy to  Babysit them on Discord. But I would love to have another plantonic little to take care of since my two plantonic littles rarely text to me lately.) Oh sorry for my mini talk.

I hope everyone have a good day/night. I love you all and if anyone is having a problem then feel free to dm me here. Byeeeeeeee~ [started little, finished big/cg]

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