Fun videogames for little space

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Hewwo Luna is back again but it's 12 o'clock in the morning yep.... 😐 So hewes a list of my favorite video games while I'm trying to get into little space and when I'm in little space.

Video game consoles (even tho I hawen't played that much consoles yet cuz big self is grounded 😑) (Also BTW she have a 3DS but she can't use it until summer time)

Edited in 2020

Minecraft (PS4) (3DS) (almost any gaming console/mobile device)
Little big planet 3 (PS4)
Style Savvy (3DS) (DS)
Animal Crossing (any game)
Pokemon (any game)

Phone video games (I played a lot of games on my own phone even tho my big self is ground until summer time but my dad (parent) let both big me and little me to use it)

Updated at 7:43 am

Happy hop
Pastel girl
Puzzle star BT21
Superstar BTS
Happy color (I know that it isn't a game it's to color)
Dressup Momo
Sound pet
Lily story
Pastel Friends
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp

I probably going to put more games when I play them.

So what games you like to play while trying to go into little space or play while you are in little space? Comment here.

See chu in the next part byiiiiiiiii~

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