Littlespace oneshot book + More updates

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Hi everyone. I hope you all are doing well. As you read the title I have a new book coming to my wattpad account. I hope you all can check it out since it's little space related. Feel free to make request's on my new book when it comes out. 

I have been working hard on several stuff lately so that's why I haven't made a new ch here sorry. I have been working on art in my sketchbook which I'm almost finished with it. Check my art instagram at Nekoie_arts to see my art. 

Another thing I've been doing lately is playing video games and watching anime. Which one of the animes I'm watching is the new Pokemon series on NetFlix. Which it super duper good so faw. Yeps I regressed 'ight now. The games 'm been pwaying is Pokemon alpha sapphiwe an' animal cwossing new leaf which I luv both of those games.

 Also my big self just tuwned 17 last month an' mommy  just tuwned 17  on the 13th of June so yea :). So big self sent hew a cawd since we can't see hew yets :( but mommy likes our cawd so dats good :D. I can't wait to see hew again. 

But I gonna give chu a lil bit about the fiwst oneshot its pokemon and boy x boy. While still maintaining the littlespace stuffs. An' its has a ton of fluff.  Big self wowks hawd on it so chu better check it out or else no kookie (cookie) fow chu. Okie. Also on da same topic pwease check out hew other book which its Pokemon 'ed x Blue. I will give chu anothew kookie (cookie) fow chu but don't tell the cg/bigs on hewe. (hehehehehhe) Also big self is wowking on a new ch for dat book. 

I thinks dats about it's fow this update. Gives me ideas fow this book pwease. Cause I wan' to continues this book. But I hopes chu have a gweat day/aftewnoon/evening/or nini.Oh I almost fowgot about the question ooppies. 

Question of the day *claps while smiling*

Do chu watch anime/ pway video games? If so pwease tell me in da comments.

My Answew 

Yesh I do watch anime and pway video games. Even tho big self watches mowe anime than me but as regressed I mainly watch pokemon. While big self watch BNHA, Kakegurui, and any anime she finds in anime netwowk on demand. We do pway the same games tho. Wike Pokemon, ACNL, an' Style savvy. Pwease enjoy the videos I put hewe.

Watch gracie pwease shes cool.

I luv this song

an' dis one

okie that's enough baiiii~

(Big self here: nooooo I lost my stuff for diver ed for a class work cuz I didn't save it D:) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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