update about my little self

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Hewwo everyone you favorite adorkable little Luna is back. Sowwy that it have been a long time without updating this. But I proud to announce that I have a cawegiver 'ight now Yay 😸. Which my cawegiver is my girlfriend. But for the meantime I will be calling her name with Chan cuz she new with AGERE and CGLRE (Age regresser cawegiver) so yeah.

But I kinda wanna call her mommy but since I said that she is new for it I have to wait for a while tho. But anyways I have been getting to know hew and that I already said I love chu to hew. Also I wwote this to hew a while ago.

Oh on Fwiday I told her that I'm a little, if chu didn't read my message broad yet

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Oh on Fwiday I told her that I'm a little, if chu didn't read my message broad yet. Also what else... Umm... I want some advice from chu littles cuz I haven't told hew about everything yet, for ex that some littles call their cawegivers mommy or daddy but I don't want to mention the word daddy cuz I just don't want to.

Another ex is about pacifiers or sippy cups which I don't know how am I going to explain it. Since I had a hard time to tell hew that I'm a little but I just don't know how to explain that to hew. But she does know kinda a little bit more about me. Which that is vewy good.

I also want to tell hew more about little space and more about cawegivers since I want hew to know about everything but not about the yucky stuff, cuz that nasty okie. But I think that's about everything tho. So here's some little space stuff and music

 So here's some little space stuff and music

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I found this yesterday but I didn't get it

I found this yesterday but I didn't get it

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