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It was almost four A.M and I was sitting beside my computer, hand tracing along the thing black fabric of my sheets as I conducted my plan.

The email had been sent a while ago, as of now I just waited for a response. But as the time ticked away I realized not everyone is up now. So, to my disatisfaction I shut the screen down, tucking my carry on laptop into my backpack and slid under my sheets.

I couldn't sleep, my thoughts were instantly clouded with the infinite possibilities of how I could finally end the situation. But all at once, I realized it was too much to think about so instead I tried to sit in the silence of room and drifted off about an hour later...

The following morning, I was up earlier than before. I wanted to make a statement. No I wasn't going to show up to school in all black with my hair dyed, but I was going to make myself more known.

Email From: unk-

From the parking lot I pulled my phone out, smiling wildey to myself as I slid across the notification, exception the appeal of the century. But what I got, was in fact the total opposite.

Email from: unknown

The offer no longer suits me, I'm backing out from this duo. I no longer want to see his fall since he did appease the first two warnings. You're on your own.

My blood boiled as I ran my hands along my face, trying to morph the words into what I wanted them to be. How the fuck am I supposed to get to him now.

I scrunched up my nose before scoffing, letting a small laugh leave my lips. I took down so many creeps without him and now I have no one holding me back.

I couldn't tell you how my face turned after that, a mix between determination and a smirk kissed my appearance as I walked eagerly towards the school. I wasn't ashamed of his lies anymore because I knew what I had done and he knew that he had lost me in the process.

If only he had known what it would come to.

The doors brought a light breeze onto my face, the expression dropped into a normal stare as I walked through the hall which buzzed with its normal chatter. No one cared about me today, it was old news.

I searched the area for a specific human, who ended up talking to the twin of the kid I was planning on taking out. She laughed as I approached before I tugged at her arm, letting ehr balance herself again.

"Oh, hey Lil" she smiled. My eyes shot from her to Grayson, smiling at him before returning my gaze to the girl in front of me.

"Hey I need to ask you a question about Chem" I said, hooking my thumbs under my backpack straps.

She stared at me quizzically before coming to realization as she turned to excuse herself from Grayson and following behind me to the girls bathroom.

She sat at one of the sinks as I followed behind her, making sure to close the door and check each stall twice as she started to talk.

"I thought you said you were done with this shit" she sighed.

I got up from my crouch to look at her, "that was until he proved his asshole-ish tendencies again" I replied with a small smile.

She rolled her eyes, unfolding her arms, "Okay, what do you need"

"Are you going to Grayson's anytime soon?"

She narrowed her eyes, "tomorrow night, why"

I walked over to her, placing my hands on her shoulders, "I need you to investigate for me-" I started before she removed herself from my grasp.

"What Lilian no-" she attempted to deny, but I continued to talk over her.

"Look look look" I quieted her, "all you have to do is go into his room when he isn't there and find any dirt that would help me actually stop him"

"You're on crack" she scoffed, "what if I get caught"

I shrugged, "you won't"

"But if I do?" she crossed her arms again.

"I don't know, kick him in the balls and run" I smiled.

Her annoyed glare broke into a smile as she fought off a laugh, "fine"

I clapped my hands as she pointed a finger, "I'll look for five minutes tops, then I'm getting the fuck out of that STD bank"


Is The Reign of Veritá Finally Over?

Recently, we have seen an absence of our beloved hero who has masked herself to the shadows. We don't know if what she plans to do is so extreme that this silence is needed, or she has finally handed in the reins.

But what if she is planning another downfall? She had already commited the most heinous awakenings to fellow student Ethan Dolan, including a recording of his confession (multiple times at that) and pictures of him with another of her victims Maia Ward in the gender symbol. So this begs the question, what happens next?

If nothing is planned rest is not easy for us, for who will step into her place?

And if she has picked another target, god help them.

I sat at my computer that night spinning in my chair wondering my plan of attack. He was right, I had already made a show 

If we are being honest, what happens next depends completely on whatever Lacey gets, if she gets anything. And now I'm at a loss without D-

I sat up in my chair, looking towards my computer again.

I'm not their partner anymore, so I don't owe them anything. I could figure out who they are. I began to type rapidly, picking out their first email to me and began to do what I would normally.

Could figure out who they are, then they would have ot help me or even I could use this as leverage or even just confront the person and ask where they got their information or-

Then my brain shut off and I had stopped typing, right before I would have broke into who they were. It felt wrong to do something like that, especially because they trusted me. How ironic, me feeling bad about hacking someone.

I huffed, leaning back again as I looked at my coding screen.

But what if it's someone I know.

I ran my fingers along my face before my phone buzzed once again.

Pocket Size♥️ has sent you a message.

I slid against the message biting my lip as I scanned over what she had said. And all at once my mood had lifted and everything had become a little bit easier...

Pocket Size♥️: I'm going over tonight because Ethan is out of the house

Pocket Size♥️: Gray wants you to come


an; hiii lol did you miss me (next update is next week)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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