∆ Chapter Two ∆

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I finished my day off in weights class and met the coach and all of my peers that would be attending however none I really knew personally.

"So that's about it. Read over the syllabus and bring them back, signed on Friday." Coach Illious clapped just as the bell rang and motioned us to leave out of the weights door. I picked up my things and headed out of the door slowly unlike the other students who were already groaning about how long of a day it was.

I smile softly to myself and go to my car and sit with the radio playing loudly as I wait for Tim. I look at my watch just to fuck with him if he's late and he is. So far it's been two minutes but I can't help but laugh as he comes over the hill playing air drums to the song currently playing out of the speakers.

"I hate you," I say and roll my eyes as I show him my watch. "Three minutes mister." He scoffs.

"Ask any teacher. That would be on time for me. Chill." I chuckle and slide into the car and once again wait for him to sit.

I drop Tim off at his new apartment and head back home. I was so ready to get my own place but with not having a full-time job there wasn't much I could do. I did work at a restaurant as an assistant manager at weekends and some weekdays. I had a little over two thousand in savings but that wouldn't be enough for an apartment long-term. Maybe a month or two but there were no places like that around here.

I park and go inside to see my mother and father cuddled up on the couch watching TV.

"Hey, you guys," I say and smile before going into the kitchen and grabbing an Apple from the table.

"Hey, Des. How was school?" My mom asks still looking at the TV.

"Eh, school is school. Oh, Tim is having a small get together at his new place and asked if I could stay over to " make it homey" " I say in quotations as I bite into the apple.

"Will this get together have alcohol?" My mom asks.

"No," I reassure her. " I am actually taking my book bag and homework over so I can tutor him," I say and take another bite.

"Fine. Be back by five on Saturday." She says and I nod before heading upstairs to my room.

"Friday here I come."


It was a bit later when I  received a text from Tim.

Timmy: U home?

Me: Yeah why?

Timmy: Cool.

I scoff and toss my phone down before hearing a knock at my window making me jump. There in the window was Tim.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, it's like eleven thirty you nut case. Why are you climbing up to my window?" I say hushed as I try not to wake my parents.

"I was bored." He shrugs and falls back onto my bed.

"God I'm gonna kill you," I say and close my window before falling down next to him.

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