∆ Chapter Fifteen ∆

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I slowly walked over to our bench, her eyes never leaving me and I was experiencing mild De ja vu.

"You just gonna stare or are you going to come over and spot me?" I ask as I warm up and then place ten pounds on each side of the bar.

"I'm not sure, I think I might just stare." She says, her voice different. Low.

I bit my lip and looked at her. "Well I would rather not die today so I will have to ask you to spot me please." I say grinning and she smirked, my body reacting to her uncontrollably.

What are you doing to me Jensen Wick?

She walks over and brushes past me, touching our hands together making me shiver. I really didn't need her to spot me with only sixty-five pounds. I just liked seeing her above me. I lay beck and take hold of the bar, same as her and once I nod she lifts it off of the hooks allowing me to get my five reps in easily. I place the bar back and swap places. Her muscles flexed and I couldn't help but drool a little as she did her reps, slower almost to tease me.

"You're staring Cutie." I hear her whisper and I snap back into reality blushing and looking away.

"You were too." I counter and she chuckles.

"Still am too." Her voice teases and I glance up seeing her eyes staring into mine.

God, I had to control my emotions before I did something I would regret, but then again I don't know if I'd regret doing anything with this woman, and that in itself was fucking frightening because I hardly know her.

I shook my head smiling before she finished up. "Hey, I am not sure what you are doing tonight but I was wondering if maybe you could help me out with my social studies? I can already tell that if I don't get help I will really struggle." She asked, her hand instinctively going to the back of her neck nervously and I chuckled lowly placing my hand on her shoulder.

"I'd be delighted." I re-assure her and she grins.

"So tonight? My place?" She asks and I bite my lip sadly.

"I can't tonight, I have work after school." I admit and she shakes her head, "I can just bring my books to the Diner and we can work on it after your shift." Her voice held hope that I would agree so I did and she smiled even brighter. "Ill see you then. I'll go grab a shower before heading over." She says and stands heading towards the locker room with me and changing.


I had already take a shower and blow dried my hair to dry it faster before slipping on my uniform. I grab my bag and fill it with pencils and a sharpener with a few erasers and my large sketchbook that was provided by Mr. McCoy. This would be the perfect opportunity to begin my project. I walk down the stairs seeing my mom sipping coffee or tea, I wasn't quite sure. My father was still gone and would be for a few days away on business.

"Hey Mom, I will be a little late getting home, I have to work a later shift at the Diner tonight." I said, not technically lying as my shift was until nine-thirty.

"Alright just be careful and make sure to not talk to anyone." She says smiling at me and I nod heading towards the door opening it before looking back at her.

"I love you." I say and she looks over at me curious before smiling.

"I love you too, hun." She says and I nod grinning before heading out and locking the door.

The drive to the diner was one that I enjoyed and it allowed me to take a look at my surrounding area. I loved this city and my town. We were nestled in the middle of Missouri. Not too much of a popular state but also not desolated. The area I lived in was actually quite beautiful.

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