∆ Chapter Five ∆

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It was after school and I was dropping Tim off at his house so he could prepare for the party tonight.

"I'll see you at five-thirty. Remember, be on time!" He says like a middle-aged worrisome mother. I scoff and press my gas heading towards my own house.

I quickly run upstairs and go to my room just as Savanna rings our doorbell.

"Hi Savanna! Come on in, I think Des might be in her room!" I hear my mother chirp.

"Yep up here!" I say and Savanna comes through the door in a cute ass outfit. Black halter top with cut sleeves and rips through the shirt that was expected made with ripped white and blue jeans and matched with a black beanie and shoes.

"Stare much?" She asks teasingly and I snap back to the memory from yesterday morning unable to stop the smile that has etched onto my face.

"Ooo what is that look for?" She asks and puts her bag down with a. 'Clink'

"W-what look? I didn't have 'a look'!" I defend myself but Savanna simply crosses her arms and smirks.

"Spill." She says and I fall back with an exasperated sigh.

"I kind of maybe met someone and I don't even know them but like, I like them. Sort of. I don't know it's a work in progress at the moment." I groan into my hands and rub my face.

"So who's the lucky bitch?" She asks and I clamp my hand over her mouth.

"Are you trying to get me killed?" I seethe and she raises her hands in a quick surrender.

I let my hands down and stressful run it through my hair. "I need a shower and to get dressed. I'll be back in fifteen." I say and turn, going into the bathroom and taking a hot shower quickly.


I come out to find Savannah on her phone. "You still haven't told me who this girl is." She says not looking away from her screen.

"Her name is Jensen...something."

"Ouch!" I hear Savanna whimper and. I look over to see that she had dropped her phone on her face. She quickly tosses if aside and looks at me.

"Did you say Jensen?? Like, Jensen Fucking Wick. Jensen?" She asks and looks at me bewildered.

I snap lowly. "Wick, that was her last name." I say and go to my closet.

"Hold up! She is gonna be there tonight you need to look even sexier than normal!" She says and diverts me back to my bed after I pull on my undergarments.

"We have an hour Sav. Only an hour."

She smirks and pushes me down at the chair before looking at me. "Okay let's get to work then!"

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