∆ Chapter Four ∆

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"Alright lastly just stretch out with your partner four five minuets and feel free to talk afterwards." Coach Illious says before smiling lightly and gathering the jump ropes from everyone.


I groan gently as I lean forward touching my palms to the tops of my of my shoes. After ten seconds I slant to the side and touch both hands to one foot before doing the same to the other. The whole time I felt eyes on me.


A sly smirk plays on my face as I slowly slide down into a split before looking up at her icy blue eyes and touch the tip of my shoe.

"You seem to like staring." I say reflecting what was told to me this morning. She clears her throat and looks away the lightest tent of pink on her cheeks, Faint but I caught it.



I watch as she walks over to here locker and opens it, She pulls off her shir that you could practically see through and i felt my mouth water. Metaphorically. She was the literal definition of perfection. Strong build, muscles in all the right places that gave her such defined lines all along her torso and stomach. I looked away, heated and changes quickly back into my jeans and hoodie before ducking out of the door and into the brisk spring air.

I quickly walk to my car and take in a long breath before feeling a hand on my shoulder. I jump and turn thinking I might see the bright eyed beauty but thankfully it was just Tim.

"You excited for the party tomorrow?" He asks expecting a definite yes and he was gonna get one.

"Hell yeah!" I respond feeling the intense weight fade off my shoulders from the heated moment I had just experienced,

"Okay lets go. Drop me off woman." He says is a terrible british accent before falling into my passenger seat. I flip him off and begin the drive to his house.


After dropping off Tim I go to my house and head straight for the stairs. There was no one home anyway and I wanted to just relax for like an hour. I needed to get bottles. Savanna's friend can help with that. I grab out my phone and text Dave's number.


Me: Hey I need a bottle or two. Wanna hook me up?

Dave: Sure. I always come through. What do you need?

Me: Blue raspberry Vodka and Hypnotic.

Dave: Banger??

Me: Housewarming party ;)

I chuckle and send the money via PayPal and fall back into my covers for a minute before getting back up, taking a much needed and wanted shower.




Later on that night I heard my parents come in through the door laughing softly to each other  I could picture their faces, happy...In Love. I sigh and roll towards my window looking out to the night sky. There were hardly any stars but the clouds illuminated light from the moon making it look like the most beautiful wallpaper you could ever have.

It was a moment I wish I could share with someone and its these moments when I feel truly alone. And I wish to just hold someone close to me.

I slowly drift off wishing my love story would begin.

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