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"he asked you why you do you like breathing? um hello! the human species can't function without oxygen!" changbin states, "but he has attitude. I like that."

"I thought he was a sweet boy! he cursed at me!" hyunjin says in shock once more, remembering the scene clearly. "why'd he curse at me!"

"you disrupted his reading, slid a book across the table. read a book upside down and decided to pick a book about volcanoes." changbin explains thoroughly, "also, he probably doesn't seem to care since you're a mere stranger. I bet in his head he thought he'll never see you again."

"but no one can be that angry! like he was really aggressive and it honestly hurt my feelings." as hyunjin pouts, his tone becomes more whiny. "all I wanted was to do was befriend him! or..even get his number."

"okay you want his number but did you get his name?"

"enough with the name, I'm trying okay!" hyunjin runs his fingers through his hair, stressed about the sticky situation he was in. yet, the boy's features seemed somewhat familiar. as if he's seen him with another boy or girl.

hyunjin felt doomed, if he didn't figure out where he was from, he was gonna flop onto the ground like a piece of jello falling from it's plastic cup. "he does seem familiar though..like I've only seen him from afar but since I was up close this time he may be in one of my classes.."

sitting at the lunch tables today, hyunjin was contemplating on going back to the library or not. he didn't want to get cursed at again or be shot down. most likely, both would happen.

"I'm gonna go get a drink, I need to cool down and—oh shit!" hyunjin shouts as he spurts up from his seat. the student behind him was slightly pushed back from his action. as hyunjin turns around he immediately apologizes to them. "I'm so sorry! I'm a mess today, like slap me I don't care, most likely I need it and—!"

he rolls his eyes, cutting off the boy hearing enough of his rambling. "it's fine, don't have to get all worked up. at least you said sorry." he tells, hyunjin flashes him with a bright smile.

his eyes widen, "OH MY GOD IT'S YOU! YOU ASKED ME WHY I LIKED BREATHING SO MUCH!" as hyunjin points at him, guilty.

seungmin puts his hands up, "woah, no need to shout. but I really got to go because—"

"babe!" a voice shouts from afar, seungmin shivers from the familiar call. "baby boy!" the voice shouts once more, using a different pet name.

"I have to run—" the boy tells, "but it's seungmin, and seungmin has to blast."

he then runs off, hyunjin trying to grab onto him it's too late. confused as ever, he turns to the area of where he heard the call. recognizing the face, his jaw drops. looking to changbin, he questions.

"why is lee minho calling him babe!?"

ATTENTION | seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now