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after minho says his words, he skrt, skrt out of the area before he got hurt, hurt. seungmin's mouth had dropped, he doesn't dare to look at hyunjin because lowkey, the boy was right.

although he was an ass, hwang hyunjin had stolen his heart from day one. maybe it was because of his cute eye mole or adorable laugh. to his talents and good boy personality, it was just everything he wanted in a guy. but seungmin was stubborn, he hates admitting defeat to where sarcasm and mean jokes were his only defense.

being mean to hyunjin shouldn't be an option for seungmin, it was just plain disrespectful. because of his feelings, blocking them out with this attitude would just hurt them both in the end. tearing up because of himself, seungmin kicks his feet, wiping his watery eyes. "I'm sorry.." seungmin whispers, it's now that the bookworm in his own story has admitted defeat. "I'm sorry for being so mean to you.."

hyunjin shakes his head, his heart drops from the scene. unsure of why the boy got so emotional all of a sudden. "don't worry seungmin, I didn't take anything seriously."

"but it's not an excuse!" seungmin shouts, hating how his his chest tightened. "just don't hate me!"

hyunjin is lost, the sudden change within seungmin scared him. usually he'd be facing a demon, anger within his eyes while steam was coming out of his ears. yet now, he finds himself looking at an actual puppy, his ears flopped down with big eyes. begging for forgiveness and love after they did something wrong. hyunjin scoots closer to him, he uses a soft tone. "seungmin..I don't hate you."

"but I'm so mean to you!" seungmin yells, he looks into hyunjin's eyes and gives a dorky smile. it's somewhat forced because his lips are quivering. "I don't know if minho told you this, but whenever I'm interested in someone. I'm rude and stubborn.."

hyunjin's eyes widen, he listens carefully. "so..you?"

seungmin nods, eyes shut from embarrassment. he feels his cheeks heat up, knowing that hyunjin was staring at him. "yes! imposter belle likes you! he's liked you for a while.."

"look hyunjin..I'm sorry.." seungmin apologizes once again, "I'm sorry for being so rude to you..."


"no! I'm not done!" seungmin takes a deep breath and twiddles with his fingers. looking at hyunjin, he purses his lips slightly and kisses the boy's cheek. hyunjin who caresses the spot, gives him a warm smile. seungmin finally admits,

"I'd like to be yours..so I can be able to do that all the time.."

ATTENTION | seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now