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"y—you know nothing about me." seungmin answers back, "don't assume that I'm the type to fall for others quickly.."

"I'm not assuming." hyunjin smirks, "I know."

"what are you even talking about!"

"mr. kim! please lower your voice and do not speak while I am teaching the lesson!" mrs. yoon shouts from the front, seungmin slowly slips down into his seat.

hyunjin chuckles, ruffling the boy's hair. "you're seriously so cute."

"stop.." seungmin mutters, "I'm not cute."

"you are."

"my friends call me satan, I don't think I'm a fucking cutie."

hyunjin shakes his head, "you have a really bad mouth. should I kiss you for you to stop?"

seungmin's eyes widening, he shakes his head. "of course not you idiot..why would I want that.."

hyunjin shrugs, looking over to him. "I don't know, I don't know what goes on within your mind." he once again stupidly smirks at the boy, which causes seungmin to gulp the lump in his throat. "why are you so mean to your crush baby?"

"I don't have a crush on you." seungmin mutters, he puffs his cheeks out in denial. until he hears hyunjin's next words.

"well hyunjin starts, he runs his fingers through his own hair. sighing, "minho hyung must have lied to me, am I right?"

excuse me?

ATTENTION | seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now