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the next day of sitting with hyunjin, seungmin clenches his fist as he enters the classroom. to clear everything up, minho was right when it came to seungmin's crushes. he was aggresive, mean and pushy. mostly because feelings were one of the hardest things to figure out in comparison to a math problem. taking his seat, hyunjin is there sitting with a cheery smile across his face. he didn't understand why the boy was so happy for. "hey min." hyunjin greets, seungmin gives hyunjin a disgusted look after hearing the nickname. it was somewhat automatic, he didn't want to but his face just had to make that face.

"hey.." seungmin greets right back, "you're quite happy today."

"well yeah, you are my partner in this class. who would've knew that me, the ugly beast headass and imposter belle would get paired together. you really can say this is a disney movie, cause it's destiny." hyunjin teases away, seungmin rolls his eyes and sighs.

"did you just call me an imposter of belle due to me being a bookworm?" seungmin questions, "also you even compared yourself to the beast? who are you."

"your future boyfriend."

seungmin scoffs, getting his materials out. in the corner of his eye he feels hyunjin's gaze on him. every move he made, hyunjin did not dare to look away. so seungmin speaks, "can you stop, your staring is creeping me out."

"can I not stare at the art?"

hyunjin lets out a laugh as he watches seungmin's reaction. the boy's eyes were about to pop from his sockets, it was quite a great sight. "blushing baby?"

"me! blushing as if!" seungmin denies, looking down at his stuff. "you really need to stop. or else I'll get minho hyung to punch you."

"what? is he your boyfriend or something?"

"why? you jealous or something?" seungmin then questions, hyunjin shurgs and tilts his chair back.

"if he is your boyfriend, dump him and date me. he's not as good looking as me." hyunjin calmly states, "or just date me if you have no one."

"what if I don't want to date you?"

"who wouldn't?"

"me. kim seungmin."

hyunjin chuckles, putting his chair back down he squishes one of seungmin's cheeks. "well kim seungmin, you better stop lying to yourself because I can see right through you."

ATTENTION | seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now