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the next day, seungmin finds himself walking towards the dance room after the period ends. he needed to have a long talk with minho, which might have included him roundhouse kicking the older once he was done. stomping his way over there, he waits for the door to flush out with dancers, seeing minho finally pop out, he is talking with hyunjin. what a great combination to see.

"minho!" seungmin shouts, he catches both boys attention. minho who gives him a little bad kitty smile, waves. "get your ass over here now!"

minho doesn't hesitate and goes towards the boy. hyunjin also trails behind him, they both stand in front of him, waiting for his response. "yes~....?" minho questions slowly, slurring his words slightly as he speaks.

"hyunjin, can you leave for a second? I need to talk to minho."

"just break up and date me." hyunjin sighs, as he jokes around, "obviously you guys are having some issues."

"oh my god we're not dating!" seungmin whines, "you stupid!" he then pulls minho by the ear, "what have you been telling him! can you just keep your mouth shut!" after yelling at him, he lets go.

"I don't know what you're talking about." minho shrugs, looking around as he acts oblivious. "you're just overreacting, I haven't said much."

"you told him about how I like it when people play with my hair! why!" seungmin complains, "obviously this is secret information. I'm a bad bitch!"

"no.." as minho pats the top of seungmin's head, rubbing it softly. "you're a soft puppy boy. now, why don't you just talk to hyunjin because he's literally listening to us."

seungmin looks over minho's shoulder to see hyunjin waiting at a nearby bench. he gives an awkward wave, seungmin who rolls his eyes leaves minho. walking over to hyunjin, he grumpily sits next to the boy and crosses his arms. his back hits the back support of the bench, he lets out a childish whine. "minho is so dumb! I bet he told you everything."

"no he actually—"

"like obviously there is a problem with that!" seungmin interrupts unknowingly, he goes on with his little rant. "yeah, so what if it is true that I like it when people play with my hair! I also like soft forehead kisses and when people do that thumb thingy when you hold hands. I've never cuddled with someone and I'd definitely loved to. like, the closest to cuddling I've gotten is hugging my stuffed animals to sleep! and wow, imagine wearing your boyfriend's sweaters and just flopping around the leftover of the sleeve? that's so cute, but just why is minho so god damn annoying!"

minho who stands in front of the two sighs, seungmin glares. shouting a rude, "what now!"

minho begins to explain his stupid act, "you just exposed yourself seungmin. there's no turning back now. from my perspective, it's quite obvious that you want his attention."

ATTENTION | seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now