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as hyunjin enters his fourth period class, he watches as student gather around a piece of paper. tippy toeing a bit to see what it was, hyunjin realizes that his class was changing seats. his fist pumping into the air, he was seated in the front for the whole school year. so he hoped that he was somewhere close to the back. finding his name, he looks at the desk's location and walks on over to it. his partner wasn't there yet so he decides to keep it a surprise.

yet maybe he shouldn't have.

once everyone was getting situated in, seungmin had entered his class. which was quite weird, maybe he was right about having a class with the boy. but a small amount of seats were open and seungmin was walking towards his direction. seungmin who makes subtle eye contact with the boy he looks away. walking beside hyunjin, he takes his seat.

"you're in my class?" hyunjin whispers to him, somewhat confused.

seungmin scoffs, "it's either you haven't been paying attention or you're just dumb. I literally participate every single day, I'm surprised you haven't even turned to look at any of the students when they speak."

"s—sorry..it's a period before lunch and—"

"no need to apologize." seungmin states, gathering his materials from his bag. "if that's who you are, it's just who you are. simple, isn't it?"

"yeah..I'm just trying to process this because I'm really hoping you won't attack me with your fire words. like! you can, but I might cry." hyunjin states, with a cheesy smile.

"really? you might cry?" as seungmin snorts, shaking his head. "god, you're the prince of the school yet a cry baby. who would've known."

"nobody really uses my prince label anymore due to it getting old. why do you use it?"

"can I not?" seungmin questions, "if it's uncomfortable, I'll stop. yet if it isn't, I'll gladly use it daily."

"I like it." as hyunjin smiles to the boy. seungmin who takes a glance towards hyunjin, he turns his head quickly. knowing his cheeks would become flushed. "are you blushing? awe, well how about this. only you can use the prince nickname, because every princess needs a prince am I right?"

seungmin's hand then bolts up into the air, "mrs. yoon, may I change seats!? my partner is distracting me!"


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