Opening chapter- New Start

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Dear Readers,
Before we begin, I would like to say that the way I wright can get odd sometimes. I will put whom I am following in the chapter, but I will never switch to first person. So essentially we get said character's thoughts and feelings as if we are inside their head, but no "I" or "me" pronouns. You will be reading from the eyes of the stated character. Anyway. NUFF SAID! Let's get onto the story.

(Link's POV)

       The light filtered in from the newly installed glass windows of Hyrule castle's dining room. Where sat Link, quietly observing Zelda as she chatted with one of the other guards across the room. Link found himself pondering.
       Things had returned to normal, as normal as things got after many decades of Ganon's terror. The castle was under slow but steady reconstruction, the guardians and divine beasts had been taken back into control.
       But something was missing. Something the champion could not quite put his finger on. Deep into thought, he failed to notice the pale and delicate hand of Zelda waving in front of his face.


     He shook himself from his thoughtful daze and blinked into focus. Zelda looked amused, rather than frustrated with her golden haired hero. A hint of a teasing tone laced her next words.

"Are you awake?"

     He nodded quickly, giving a reassuring smile to the girl he'd been sworn to protect, and most of all, his childhood friend. They'd been practically siblings from a young age after Zelda's father took him in. The details of this affair were unclear to most, but in truth. Link would rather not talk about it.
     Link gave an gesture, and stood up from his chair. Assuming the small meeting was done, he adjusted his belt which adorned his trusty master sword.

"The meeting is over, thankfully. You are free to do whatever you'd like to.... you don't need to follow me ever waking moment."

   He gave a tense shrug, almost confused by the thought. The only purpose he'd served since he woke from his long slumber, was to aid Zelda in defeating Ganon. Never had he once thought of maybe doing things for himself. 
"You should really take a break Link. You've hardly had a relaxing moment this last two months..."

   Zelda rested a hand on his shoulder, and Link looked up at her with a sigh. He read concern in her eyes, which he understood.


    He muttered.

"Well. Sorry isn't needed oh 'man of many words'.."

   Zelda scoffed with a smile,

"Taking a break is nothing to feel bad about, and neither is my concern. Why don't you think about it, take a vacation."

   This alarmed the Hylian Knight greatly. Leave her side? After just getting her back? Unthinkable. She cut him off before he could object.

"No objections. Here's an idea. Why don't you visit a few of Hyrule's many destinations? You have told me of your many friends across the map."

    She ruffled his hair, and began to walk off.

"Just think about it Link. You deserve a break."

    The door shut behind her, and that was just what Link did. Think. It HAD been a very long time since he'd been given a break. A very long time. In fact, he couldn't remember. With a sigh, he also left the room and headed for his sleeping quarters. To deliberate on Zelda's proposal.
    If he did plan to take her up on the offer, he knew he would have to make a plan. That was just how he worked. Right away upon entering his chambers, he made a beeline to his desk where many pictures of friends and memories lay. He hands reached for the drawer, not before his eyes met the pictures.
    His moments were frozen as he stared down his favorite picture of himself, Mipha, and Sidon. Sidon was a child at the time. Link could always remember his unending enthusiasm which prevailed to this day.
    With a gentle smile, his previous actions were forgotten as he gingerly lifted the framed picture off the desk. He found himself speaking allowed into the empty room.

"I wonder how Sidon is...."

   With a hum of deep thought, he tapped his foot. Perhaps this is what he needed. To get away from his habits of overthinking and stressing. Maybe he truly just needed a visit to his friends. Not as the Hyrule champion, but just that. A friend.
   The thought of his brought an even wider smile to Link's face. He knew just where to start.

Zora's Domain.

   A new found energy sparked in the Hero's being, and he stuffed the picture into a burlap sack. He forced himself to let go of the list he'd planned to make, and simply prepare for a journey that may last a long while.
   Essentials, of course were needed, but otherwise Link felt he needed to get out of his element. He did not pack any food, just clothing, and other needed supplies for hygiene.
   Slinging his bow and quiver over the right shoulder, and draping the bag onto his back, he left his quarters quickly with intent to say goodbye to Zelda and set off on this impromptu quest.

Dearest readers!

Thanks for reading this first chapter of mine, it is meant to be a starter for the whole story. I want to make sure there is people interested in actually hearing the story before I get too ahead of myself.
So for now, this is this!
I hope you enjoyed, and I hope to see feedback in the comments.

((805 words, not counting the authors note))

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