Consequences of Royalty

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Now everybody knew. Skylar was no longer an ‘Allenloper’, she’s a ‘Primera Maiestas’ now. After that day, the king and his men didn’t leave the school. They decided to stay in the city to help the government on dealing with the attack problem. It was heard that they will help the government to rebuild the city. It’s not impossible though, they live with magic, everything would be easier for them.

The news of Skylar being a royalty spread quickly all around the city. Many news on TV mentioned it. People with mics and cameras ready to break through the school gate to get any information about this. Some security forces were called to guard the school. Some of them came from the kingdom, they called Stratiotis.

Skylar started to live with it. People calling her by ‘Your Highness’, even the school headmaster. They talked politely to her. Honestly it made her feel uncomfortable. She was nothing other but a human, just like them, but they treated her differently. When the news reached Skylar’s friends’ ears, they quickly looked for her to show her that they’re willing to serve her anytime she needs. But she brushed it off, she had to used her katana to hit her friends’ heads playfully when they bowed with ‘Your Highness’ left their mouth. “Sky is enough,” that was what she said.

Everything went well. The attack fully stopped. The city confirmed safe. Just like what people already heard, the royalty helped the government to rebuild the city. In a short time, the city was back to a peaceful city with no fire and smoke. School started again.

It was a second break before English lesson started. Some kids stayed in their class and some of them left somewhere, the canteen or maybe the field. Skylar went to the Japanese club room to take a nap but it seemed like Forctis had the same idea. He was already there, sleeping soundly. Dyn, Ama, and Kyria stayed in the classroom. Skylar all alone went to the bathroom to wash the sleepiness away.

The class was kinda quiet. Some boys gathered to play some games, but Dyn wasn’t with them, he chose to sit with Ama and Kyria to watch some anime. Girls circled around Caroline’s desk, talking about something in a whispery voice. The silence was broke by Caroline stood up from her desk that let out a loud squeak. Kyria clicked her tongue in annoyance as she turned around to see Caroline in front of the class.

“Guys!” Caroline shouted as she clapped her hands, wanting for some attention.

Everybody turned their attention to the girl.

“Please be honest, is there anybody that feel bothered by a girl named Skylar Allenloper becoming a royalty?” she asked. The whole class went silent.

“What the hell is she trying to do?” Kyria gritted her teeth. She pushed her chair back, ready to come to Caroline but Ama and Dyn held her back. She sighed before fell back to her chair.

“Come on, guys, just be honest,” Caroline whined. “Let me tell you, I feel bothered here.”

“How come?” a boy asked from the back of the class.

“You know Skylar right? She often orders us around to do something. She never asks our opinion and always depend on what she want when it comes to something related to our class. She didn’t allow us to do everything we want, always ‘you can do that! It’s not right!’ or bla bla bla,” Caroline spoke her mind out.

“You’re just jealous because she’s always right,” the same boy from earlier snickered. His friends around him laughed.

“Shut up!” Caroline yelled. But the boys only laughed harder.

“I agree with Caroline though, I don’t like the idea of Skylar being a royalty,” a girl that sat beside Lizzy said in a small voice.

“She was already like this, just imagine how the world would be if she rules it?” Saron mocked.

“You’re right,” Lizzy agreed.

“Can we ask Mr. Scott to ask the king to change his decision?”

“That’s the problem, it’s not going to be easy,” Lizzy said.

“What should we do?”

“Just tell her to get lost,” Saron laughed.

“And kill herself, you know she has a suicidal issue,” Caroline added. Laughter filled the class. The boys in the back of the classroom showed an annoyed face before moving to sit with Dyn.

“Hey! What are you-“

“Oh, I forgot that her peoples are here,” Caroline stopped Kyria’s protest. “How about you guys? Don’t you think the same? Just come with me, we’ll make her leave the royalty.”

Kyria stood up from her chair. She stormed to where Caroline stands. Anger filled her eyes. Then, a loud slap was heard.

“How dare you say something like that?!” Kyria yelled as she pushed Caroline roughly to the blackboard. “There’s no way I will do that! Royalty or not, good or bad, she’s my best friend! I’m not like you that would leave a friend when you’re bored of them! You’re a piece of-“

“Kyria, stop!” Ama ran to the front of the classroom. She held Kyria’s hand that was about to slap Caroline again. She pulled her angry friend back.

“How about you Ama?” Caroline asked as she rubbed her painful red cheeks.

Ama shook her head. “No, I will never do that. You won’t understand the strong bond between us.”

“Oh, I see,” Caroline showed a smile of hate. “How about-“

“No,” Dyn said before Caroline could finish her question.

“So sad,” she fake cried. “The most good-looking guy in this class denied me.”

“You’re disgusting,” Dyn said coldly.

The girls gasped. They didn’t expect Dyn would say that. Caroline then stopped her act, she looked at the other boys. “How ‘bout you guys?” she asked.

“What an ungrateful human are you, she just saved your freaking life!”

Caroline didn’t say any word. That was not the answer she expected.

“You know our answer already.”

“We’re on her side.”

Saron opened her mouth. This meant a beginning of a words war. The class looked like it was divided into two allies. Both of them talked their minds out. Many words left their mouths. The good one, and the bad one. But seemed like the hateful words were louder since it has many speakers. Ama had to held Kyria back from attacking and hitting Caroline, because Kyria is scary went she’s mad. Dyn just kept his mouth closed, deep down he felt much anger just like the others.

Little did they know, Skylar was outside the classroom with head down and fisted hands.

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