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“Good morning,” Vechter greeted his step-sister.

Skylar hummed as a reply as she rubbed her eyes. She walked lazily to the living room. With a sigh, she dropped her body to the sofa where Vechter sits. “Can I skip today?” she asked. Head laid to her brother’s shoulder. Eyes closed as she yawned.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness, but you have to go to school, school is-“

“Just skip it,” Vechter said to Skylar. He was able to stop Rio’s rambling.

Fascino just shook his head. He crunched down in front of the still sleepy girl, and handed a glass of water that gladly being received.

“She’s like you when you were young,” Glavo said.

“Did you just say that I’m old?” Vechter asked.

“Of course not,” the swordsman laughed.

Skylar just smiled. When Vechter stood up from where he sat, she eagerly laid herself down on the sofa. Her arms folded as a pillow.

“You can just stay home and rest, I know you had a rough day,” Fascino said. “We’re going out, so you’ll be alone, is that okay?”

Skylar nodded as she hummed. A yawn left her mouth.

Vechter grinned. He ruffled his step-sister’s hair as he said, “See you in a bit.”


Mr. Scott ran through the quiet school halls. He tried his best to keep the tapping sound of his shoes as low as possible. Lesson had already started an hour ago. Even though he’s the school headmaster, he couldn’t just break the peacefulness of a lecture. He slowed down his pace when he was getting nearer to a class. 2-B class.

The school headmaster raised his hand. Then, he knocked the closed door softly- teachers usually closed the door when the lesson starting. After a few seconds, the door opened, revealing a young man with a tan skin, Mr. Dratus, the anthropology teacher.

“Oh, Mr. Scott, good morning, is there anything you need?” he asked.

Mr. Scott nodded. Don’t know how Mr. Dratus got what he meant by stepping aside and letting him to get in to the class.

“Everyone, please listen up, Mr. Scott has an announcement here,” Mr. Dratus shouted. The class went silent. Attention turned to the front of the class.

“Thank you,” Mr. Scott smiled. He received a nod as a you’re welcome. Then, he turned his attention to every student in the class. “Well, I’m sorry because I had to disturb the lesson,” he started.

“It’s alright, Mr. Scott,” Mr. Dratus said.

“Oh, so, the announcement,” Mr. Scott stopped, “Caroline, Saron, and Lizzy, please raise your hand.”

The three girls raised their hands. they had a confused look on their face.

“King Vechter wants to meet you.”

Right after Mr. Scott said that, the three girls’ eyes widened. Forctis snickered, “You’re all gonna get punished.” He covered his mouth as he laughed. Kyria showed a smirk that managed to make Lizzy looked scared and wanted to cry.

“Calm down, girls, maybe the king changed his mind about Skylar being a royalty,” Caroline whispered to both of her friends. She stood up, followed by the other two.

Mr. Scott mentioned them to follow him. They left the classroom.

“Caroline, Saron, and Lizzy? Am I right?” Fascino asked.

“Yes, Your Highness,” Caroline replied. She looked at King Vechter that sat on the sofa, staring out to the window with an emotionless face. Secretly, she was wishing that King Vechter is the one that talking.

Fascino nodded. “Rio,” he called the king advisor.

“Thank you,” Consiliario- or Rio, said with a nod. He stood up from his seat. “Ms. Caroline,” he started.

“Y-yes?” Caroline stuttered under Rio’s intimidating look.

“I see that you’re on of the students that have a good grade in this school, and you’re quite pretty, I can say,” Rio said.

“Thank you.” A smile creeped up to Caroline’s face.

“But, your behaviour was clearly unrespectable.”

“Um, excuse me, what do you mean?”

“Ms. Caroline, there are some things we can’t accept in our life, and you can’t just decide to hate it, you need to learn how to appreciate others even though you don’t like it,” Rio sighed.

“Can you please just go to straight to the topic?” Saron asked.

“Skylar being a royalty is one thing you can’t accept right? And you just said all those hateful words? You think you’re better than her just because you’re one of that kids with good grades? Don’t make me laugh!” Glavo said right when Rio opened his mouth.

“Glavo, that’s enough,” Vechter said without even breaking his gaze from the window.

“Her Highness being a royalty is something we can’t deny, it’s Zoi Dentro decisions. What it’s decided is the key to keep the world in a perfect balance. No matter how much you hate it, you have to accept it. You can’t just express your hate towards her. You have the right to disagree with it, but you can’t just throw hate to her because she has no right to receive it. Please, learn how to appreciate others,” Rio explained.

Saron and Lizzy looked at their friends. Caroline kept her head down. What the hell was that? Did they just tell me that I’m worse that her? Fuck with the Zoi Dentro stuff, fuck with its decisions, I can be a better queen that her. I’m smarter.

“You can’t,” Fascino’s words sounded like a reply to her thoughts. “Being someone who can rule the world is not only about intelligence, but also the heart and the will.”

“It’s simple, you can’t fight, you only scream and whine and cry, Her Highness pretty great with sword, this world needs a defender,” Glavo snickered.

Caroline fisted her hands. Her face burned in anger.

“Glavo,” Fascino called.

The swordsman just clicked his tongue.

“We warn you, if you repeat what you did before, we wouldn’t hesitate to give you the punishment, it doesn’t have to be in public, you between you and us,” Rio said.

Caroline couldn’t help but nod her head.

The royalty got ready to leave.

“Still wondering why she’s better than you?” Vechter asked in a cold voice as he stood up from his seat.

Caroline looked at him.

“You don’t have the heart she has.”

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