The beginning of the road trip

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Zack bought a massive green and black double decker bus. Everyone packed their stuff at the back of the bus. Zack and Jason put bags full of money in a secret bag compartment. "So is everyone ready for the road trip?" Asked Jason. "Yes!" Yelled all the girls. "Since one of the boys must drive the girls must sit on top to separate us for a bit." Zack suggested to them. They all agreed. The girls went up stairs on the bus. Mike then pushed Zack and shouted in a whispering voice, "Why you let the girls sit up stairs?!" Zack looked at him with a small smirk and said, "Remember I'm rich." And pushed a shiny button and it opened a secret room filled with arcade games and consoles. All the boys said in a very quiet tone, "Cooooool." Zack then added another reason the bottoms is better, "Plus down here is much better WiFi." They all got excited. Jason got in the driver seat and started driving.

Its been hours and the boys were a bit bored. They heard the girls watching a scary movie upstairs. Jason then said, "I have an idea, let's prank the girls. Zack agreed. They told Mike to drive and pretend liked we crashed when Zack gave him the signal. Jason put on a scary costume on. And his under the stairs. Zack gave Mike the signal and Mike stopped right in front of a rock so if the girls check what happened the would think they knocked into a rock. Zack walked upstairs and said, " We gonna go and see if there is anything wrong with the bus." Amanda just smiled and said, "Ok" The boys left the bus except Jason. Mike started screaming, "HELP! HELP!" The other boys threw tomato sauce at the bus to pretend it was blood. Zack walked to the stairs and said, "There is a murderer outsi..." Jason then came with a fake sword at "slit" Zack's neck. Both the girls screamed. Amanda looked so sad and shocked. Jason saw Juliet but not Amanda. He tried to act like he didn't know there was two girls. Amanda came out of no where and jumped on Jason's back. She started hitting him with her shoe. Jason started screaming, "STOP!!" Juliet walked to Jason and kicked him in his nuts. Jason just fell down silently. Zack got up quickly and said, "STOP! It was just a prank and took Jason's mask off. Juliet and Amanda looked at Jason and apologized for kicking him there. Mike got back in the bus while Jason and Zack walked down stairs. Shawn decided to drive since Jason was still in pain. Amanda messaged Zack, "Are you guys still gonna pick up mine and Juliet's friend?" Zack was too lazy to type and just yelled threw the enter com, "YESSS WE ARE GONNA!" Everyone just laughed. They stopped at Amanda and Juliet's friend's house. Her name was Samantha or Sam for short. "Woooow nice ride." Sam complemented Jason. "Thanks I guess. Amanda and Juliet is upstairs." Jason said. "Thanks" replied Sam. She ran upstairs. Mike then said, "She is hot ain't gonna lie." The rest of the boys laughed. "Whatever bro just drive." Said Shawn. Jason didn't say anything he just started driving.

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