A contract to kill a ex contract killer

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The group of friends walked as far as there legs could carry them. "Zack, I'm tired." Said Amanda in a sleepy tone. Juliet just stared at Amanda after she asked that. "There is a hotel near by." Aaliyah told them. "How would you know? Its too dark too see anything except stuff that's like 10 feet away from us." Mike replied. "She obviously checked her phone you idiot." Zack said in a annoyed tone. "Yep thats what I did." Said Aaliyah. They walked for twenty minutes before they got to the hotel. They all looked at the hotel. "This place looks a bit sketchy." Said Jason in a nervous tone. "A BIT! THIS PLACE LOOKS SUPER SKETCHY!" exclaimed Juliet. Zack didn't really care how sketchy it looked he just wanted to get some rest. "Look we only gonna stay here for the night. We don't need to worry." Zack said trying to calm them down. They all walked into the hotel one by one. "Hello there." Said a creepy looking old lady. "Hello ummmm can we get your biggest room please." Asked Mike with a nervous voice. "Well yeeesss you may. Its on the 50th floor." Replied the old lady as she giggled a bit. The group of friends just sarcastically laughed and walked to the elevator. "There is fucking fifty floors can you believe it...FIFTY!" said Jason as he started panicking. "Stop panicking you were a fucking contract killer for god sake just chill plus even if you pass out or something out of fear Zack is here and he doesn't panic." Said Amanda. Jason started to calm down. When they finally reached their rooms Amanda jumped on one of the three beds. "Man I'm so tired" Said Amanda while she was getting comfortable on the bed. "I think the girls should have the beds." Jason told Mike and Zack. They both agreed and let the girls lay on the bed. The boys just fell asleep on the floor. Few minutes later Zack woke up because he heard someone whisper his name. He got up and saw Juliet calling him by the door. "What's up?" Asked Zack. "I wanted to take a walk around the hotel and I didn't wanna go alone." Replied Juliet. Zack looked confused and asked "But then why didnt you ask Ama-" "Shhhhhhh" Juliet said as she cut Zack off by putting her finger on his lips. "Stop being a party pooper and let's just go." Said Juliet. "Fine" Zack replied as he put on his shoes. Juliet and Zack walked around for hours talking about their past but then suddenly they heard a strange noise coming from a room. Juliet his behind Zack as he opened the door slowly. "OOOOH SHIIIIIT!" Screamed Zack in a whispering voice. "What's wrong?" Asked Juliet. "Two people are.....you know......doing it." Zack replied while he was trying to hold in his vomit. "Thats so gross. Come we do it." Juliet asked. "WHAT!" Zack shouted. "I was joking, oh my god." Juliet said while she was laughing. They both got up and started walking to the room. Zack started to hear a scratching noise coming from the halls. "Do you hear that?" He asked. "No" Juliet replied. Zack pushed against the hall and it opened a secret passage way. "Wait here I'm gonna go check this out." Zack told Juliet. She nodded and sat on the floor. Zack walked down the passage way, the further he went the darker it got. He managed to get to the end of the tunnel and saw a staircase going down. It was a loooong way down. He walked down the stairs which took him about twenty five minutes. He then peeked threw a door and saw someone inside. Zack waited for the mysterious man to walk away from the door. The mysterious man walked threw a door that led to the reception of the hotel. Zack leaned too much on the door and it fell over making aloud bang. Zack looked around and saw a whole lot of people butchered and hung up. "Shit, what the fuck is this I mean I was a contract killer but this is fucking torture." Zack thought aloud. Zack then heard the mysterious man on the phone. "Yes sir we have them in the hotel we gonna kill them as soon as that Zack and Juliet gets to the room." Said the mysterious man. "Oh god, shit, fuck, I gotta go." Zack thought aloud. The mysterious man then said. "Sir I have to go...I think someone is in the torture room." He then hung up the phone and opened the door that leads to the torture room. Zack ran up the stairs as fast as he could but it made a lot of noise. The mysterious guy heard Zack and chased him. Zack reached the top of the stairs and saw the man almost close enough to tackle him. Zack then ran and ran and yelled at Juliet, "JULIET RUUUUUUN! QUICKLY GET TO THE ROOM!!" Juliet heard and ran to the room. Zack managed to get the man to fall over. Zack the barged into the room and barricaded the door. "What's going on?" They all asked. Zack was still panting and replied with the few breathes he had. "There's a guy, looks very strong and his gonna try and kill us." They all just looked at Zack and hoped he was joking. Unfortunately he wasn't. But before they could get out of the room the guy broke the door with a axe. "You guys are fucking DEAD!" Said the guy in a deep voice. "What did we ever do to you." Asked Amanda while she was holding Zack's hand. "Well first of all I'm a murderer. And second of all the boss wants your little boy friend here DEAD!" Replied the man. "BOYFRIEND?!?" Asked Juliet. "His just assuming that." Zack said trying to hide the facts.  "ENOUGH TALKING!!" Yelled the man as he swung his axe around the room. "Oh god!"Exclaimed mike and Jason. Amanda and Juliet dodged the axe and kicked the man to the floor. "Ok let's go quickly." Ordered Juliet. They all ran out of the room. "No one gets out of here." Said the man as he lit up a match and threw it down a staircase. The sprinklers went off but the fire was spreading to quickly. "Fire....AGAAAAIN! You gotta be kidding me." Said Zack in a annoyed and nervous tone. They all ran towards the elevator but it was on fire. "Shit what now we trapped." Mike said hopelessly. Zack automatically would of told them about the passage way but he thought the guy would be there. So he looked out the window and saw a pool. "I think we should jump out the window." Said Zack. They all had no choice so they broke the window and jumped in the pool. Zack was the last one to jump out and when he did his jacket got caught on fire. He landed in the pool and when he got out he said, "I'm never going last again." They all just laughed. "At least you didn't end up like Shawn or Jack." Jason said while he was giggling. "Yaaaa where do you think they are now?" They all then just looked up to the stars.

Meanwhile at the hospital. "Doctor ummmm one of the patients we picked up is still alive." Said a trainee. "Well then bring the patient here-" the doctor said as he got shot in the head by someone in a black and white woody. The trainee just collapsed. "I think I'll take that patient from here." Said the guy. "Mmmhmm Mister Shawn let's just say we gonna have...a blast with your old friends." Said the guy as he did a evil laugh.

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