No Mans Prison

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It has been days since the group has been knocked out. They were almost suggested as dead. When they woke up they found themselves in a butcher and not the kind you would buy meat from. "What the actual fuck just happened?" asked Jason as he picked himself up from a pool of blood. "I have no clue. Wait... Where are the others?!" asked Zack. They both scanned the room to see if they could spot any of their friends. "I don't think they are here. We should split up and look around." suggested Jason as he looked at all of his bruises. "I don't think we are in the best shape to be alone. I mean Shawn pretty much fucked us back there." Zack said, "speaking of which where is that fucker anyway?". "I wanna fuck him up just as much as you do but we should look for the others. Like aren't you worried about Amanda?" asked Jason. "AMANDA!! OH NO OH NO!" Exclaimed Zack. Despite everything he said about not being in shape he zoomed off into another room. Jason had no choice but to follow but when they got to the other room they found loads of bodies being hung. They found the dead bodies of Mike and Aaliyah. Their organs were almost ripped out of their bodies. "Why did they leave us to live but do this to them?" asked Jason. "Oh no what about the others where are they!??" wondered Zack as he inspected the bodies of his former friends. Meanwhile on the other side of the facility Juliet and Amanda were wondering around. "Can you believe we are lost in here. I mean we aren't even 30 yet." moaned Juliet. "We will get out of this." reassured Amanda. A shadow then appeared and faded a few seconds afterward. "What was that?" whispered Juliet. Amanda didn't answer but just stood there and looked at the direction the shadow was in. "Come out!" demanded Amanda. A few seconds after a girl appeared. She seemed like she could be Amanda and Juliets age maybe even a bit younger. She was a bit shorter than them. "Hi" said the mysterious girl. "Uhmm hey. What's your name and how did you even get here?" asked Juliet. "My name is Lilli. And I was brought here for No Mans sexual pleasure." replied Lilli. "Sexual pleasure? Isn't that a bit messed up?" asked Amanda as she step closer to the girl. The girl didn't answer but just stood there with a smirk on her face. "Do you have any idea on how to get out of here?" asked Juliet. "You both ask alot of questions. And yes I do know the exit" said Lilli, "but don't you want to wait for your friends Jason and Zack?" Amanda and Juliet couldn't be more confused but before they could let a word out of their mouths Zack and Jason appeared. Zack put his hand on Lillis shoulder which wasn't a good idea. She grabbed his arm and threw him on the floor. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!?" exclaimed Zack. "Sorry I just don't like being touched." said Lilli trying to justify her actions. Amanda helped Zack up and gave him a small hug. "Get a fucking room!" yelled Jason. Juliet noticed there was only 4 of them reunited. "Have you guys seen the others?" asked Juliet. Before Zack and Jason could tell them what happened to Mike and Aaliyah, Lilli stepped in and said, "The rest of your little crew is dead. The only reason they left you four is because they don't want you to have an easy death if you know what I'm saying." Zack and Jason didn't fully trust Lilli as of yet but by the looks of it Amanda and Juliet did. "How do you know so much about this guy." Before anyone could reply or even open their mouths they heard a loud strange noise. It sounded as if someone used a whip on a something metal. "Lilli if we can really trust you we need a way out right now." demanded Jason. Without saying a word she started walking and everyone followed. They entered a room that had pictures of a family all over. "Who are these people?" asked Amanda as she looked at the family photos. "It's No Man's family." replied Lilli with a very sorrowful voice. Zack picked up one of the pictures and examined each family member. "Jason.... I think I know why this No Man guy wants us dead." Zack said as he showed Jason the picture of the family. "Oh shit they were the family that had dozens of illegal business and someone wanted us to kill them. And we killed everyone except the eldest brother. We couldn't find him." Jason said as he recalled everything that happened that day. "Fucking great you both couldn't normal jobs now could you." Amanda said sarcastically almost as if she was mad. Lilli shook her head in disappointment and took them to the exit door. And surprise surprise it didn't want to budge. "Fucking great!" exclaimed Juliet, "we are stuck once again." All of a sudden a dark figure appeared. It was a boy who looked like he went to the gym awfully alot. He didn't say a word he just stood there and looked at Zack and Jason. There was no movement for a couple of minutes only silence. The boy then took a few steps forward just like in serial killer. When the boy stopped they heard metal foot steps coming towards them. "Shawn!" Zack thought as he was trying to make sense of what was happening. And of course it was Shawn. "Shawn are we really going to do this?" asked Jason. "His name isn't Shawn anymore." said a mysterious voice. "Oh my god enough with the fucking mystery shit you got playing. Just show yourself and if you want to fight so be it." demanded Zack as he clinched his fists. No Man appeared and looked straight at Lilli. "You know this is quite disappointing Lilli. I thought we had something going on you know." No Man said in his deep scratchy voice. "We never had ANYTHING! ALL YOU EVER DID WAS USE ME FOR YOUR OWN SEXUAL PLEASURE!!" exclaimed Lilli as she got in a weird fight stance. No Man sighed and snapped his fingers. All of a sudden Shawn and the other boy ran towards the crew. "Amanda stay away and keep Juliet with you at all times you understand?" ordered Zack. She nodded and moved to the back with Juliet. The small boy didn't hesitate and went straight for Lilli. Shawn went for Jason and Zack. They fought for so long it felt like forever. Eventually Shawn pinned down Jason and Zack with his new and improved robot leg. "Let them go or I'll snap this boys neck. I couldn't care less how old he is." demanded Lilli is she kept on putting pressure on the boys neck with her foot. "You really think I care about him? He is merely a drop of water to me." Shawn said as he knocked out Zack and Jason. Lilli snapped the boys neck and tackled Shawn. Shawn punched her in her liver and managed to escape Lilli. Lilli managed to open the door and dragged Zack and Jason outside. It was as if they were in a jungle of some sort. Zack woke up and found a spider on his face. "AHHHH WHAT THE FUCK! WHERE ARE WE!?" yelled Zack is he smacked the spider off his face. "We are outside the facility. Oh and by the way thanks for your help back there you helped me so much." Lilli said sarcastically. Zack gave her a funny look and then realised Amanda and Juliet was no where to be seen... OK mostly Amanda but you get the picture." Oh no where is Amanda. Did she go find food or something?" asked Zack hoping that was the case. Lilli didn't say a word she just stood there with a worried look on her face. "WHERE ARE THEY!?" asked Zack in an angry tone. "They may of gotten taken by No Man as we were fighting." Lilli replied in a somewhat comfortable tone. It was as if she didn't even really bother. "We have to find them right now" demanded Zack. "Fine I'll come with, but what about Jason?" asked Lilli. Zack didn't even respond and just walked back into the facility. "My god can someone be so stupid?" thought Lilli. She followed him anyway.

Meanwhile in the butcher: "Did you get them?" asked No Man. "No sir they got away. Sorry to disappoint you sir." replied Shawn. "Dont worry about it. They will come back. I mean they wouldn't leave these two girls behind now would they." No Man said as he gently stroked their hair. "They will come back for us even if it means burning this place down." said Juliet trying to scare them. No Man and Shawn just laughed at them and put sacks over their heads. "We going with Plan Reveal." said No Man. "Yes sir!" a whole lot of robotic voices said. They opened a door and there were hundreds if not thousands of robotic soldiers. "They aren't ready for this." No Man said as he he closed the door.

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