Chaper 5 (what goes on in our minds 1)

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Just starting off the day, I'll tell you that I already wasn't happy by the time Drayton woke me up, I was tired and all the way in the mood to Break a neck, which in this situation was fine by me if it was my neck.

Once he woke me up I groaned and growled at him to leave me to sleep, He saw the change in behaviour That second, this was not gonna be one of those good days, he pulled me up by the chain "Get up girl! It's time fot breakfast!", "screw breakfast" I let myself fall back down onto the mattress, "Get up, you need breakfast to work properly" he pulled me by the chain Again, "but I don't wanna work", "why?", "I didn't sleep well" I mumbled into my pillow, he stopped pulling me by the chain "well obviously you can't be left here by yourself when you're feeling like this again, I don't know why you were so bring yesterday but I want that girl out more, not you", "Well if you'd let me sleep well maybe I'd Be in a better mood!", "Fucking get up! It's time to wake the boys up for breakfast And if you behave you might just get to be free again", I groaned into the pillow ans shouted "No!", "Fine! No breakfast for you" he stormed out the room, slamming the door behind him.

ChopTop pov

I was woken up by the cook just bangin' on the door while shoutin', something made him angry already, How great, "alright alright I'm up!" I shouted at 'im, annoyed by the way I woke up, I heard 'im storm off, most likely to wake up bubba or to go to the dinner table to eat, hopefully the day doesn't stay like this, It's awful.

I walked out my room and to the table, Y/n Wasn't there "Where's Y/n?", "She's still in bed, she woke up all grumpy again and won't leave her bed" Drayton didn't look at me as He spoke, "Is that why you're so angry?", He just nodded and huffed, I rolled my eyes and Ate quickly.

He couldn't get me or bubba to work when he tried, bubba tried but he couldn't do it without some actual help, I didn't even bother with Drayton, He didn't like listening to Nubbins and I had to say and what we suggested, Y/n Listened, She said 'Nam land would be a great idea if I liked it, yet Drayton Said otherwise, Soon enough Drayton had enough of us and quickly made his way to his room, he came back dragging a very tired looking Y/n, 'er back on the ground as she was being dragged by the chain on 'er arm, looks painful.

He lifted 'er up and Said to 'er with a very angry voice "You better make these boys work or I swear-" but she cut 'im off, "Or what? You're gonna stab me? Kill me? Is that it?", He didn't know how to respond since 'er face was completed emotionless, after a short silence he spoke "Just do your damn job" he then looked over to me "you, cheer her up, She was sleeping in your room last when she was happy, you deal with her" he then left to do whatever he does.

'er face was so emotionless as she did as Drayton had told 'er to, she didn't have the same energy she did yesterday, What cheered 'er up? Why is she so- depressed today?, Even if she didn't have the same energy she did, she did keep repeating that if we kept up the work she's buy us what we wanted as a reward once she got out of here.

Bubba lifted his hand up and she looked at 'im, he started groaning and mumbling, trying to speak, She looked over to me to get a translation, I robbed the back of my neck as I started to translate what he just said "He said, That he didn't really want anything except for The cheerful Y/n to come back", You Should have seen the look on 'er face once I said that, she started Shivering and soon enough she broke down crying, She was mumbling incoherent things, "Can ya repeat that?", soon she looked up at us and Shouted "I'm sorry! I can't help it! I can't help it.. I can't..", Bubba whined, he was concerned for what she meant, "Can ya explain a little?", She sniffled and Took a deep breath "I.. I can't help being like this, I can't sleep most nights and it makes me angry and depressed, The night before I slept well for the first time in so long and now that I had a bad night I guess it shows more than it should..", we looked at each other and then at her, "Why can't you sleep well?", "Because of my nightmares, They keep coming and I can't stop them.. I don't feel safe when I sleep and it makes it so hard to sleep" she rubbed her Teary eyes, "then why did you sleep well when you slept in my room?", "I.. I don't know, I don't know why but I enjoyed it, I thought I might have finally gotten away from the nightmares but then When I slept last night they weren't gone", "Was it the music? Could that be of help?", She shook her head "No, guy remember when I woke up screaming?", I nodded, "well you know exactly why I did, Then..", she obviously didn't want to say that she Slept next to me on the same bed, "After that.. I slept well, better than I could ever remember me Sleeping" she explained in a way, bubba was confused as to what she meant but I understood exactly what she meant, did she sleep better having someone there? Can't be she had an abusive ex, He must have slept next to her and she even said she slept better than she ever remembers sleeping, maybe it just depended on the person? We haven't actually laid any hands on her, I've tried but I never did, so could that be it? Did Dan ever Lay hands on her? Most likely if she's like this.. he did, I felt a but angry about the thought that he did, Why? She ain't family, I should be happy he hurt 'er.. but I'm not, I should really Get a hold of myself, Once she's played 'er part for long enough we're allowed to kill 'er, No getting attached, She isn't part of the family, she's more of a.. Animal we're talking care of until It's time to eat 'er, Like a pig for slaughter! Yeah.. that- that doesn't sound right to me..

Y/n Pov

ChopTop Seemed to be lost in his thoughts? What was be thinking about? I wouldn't know since it seems like Not even his brothers know what's going on in his head.

I snapped my fingers Infront of his face to try and get him to snap out of it but that didn't work, "Chop? Hello? Are you still there?" I waved my my hand Infront of his face now, Nothing, I huffed, Clearly I need to do something else, I slowly turned around and then very quickly turned back and clapped my hands together once very loudly, That snapped him out of it "Hey! The hell's your problem?", I crossed my arms "you were so deep in your Thoughts I couldn't get your attention no matter if I snapped my fingers, Spoke or waved my hand Infront of you, For a second there is thought you just left your own skull", "Really? I hadn't even noticed that", "my point exactly", the two of us heard bubba squeal of excitement like he Saw something Cute or maybe like how a child reacts when one of their parents are back from work, he held his hands to his face too, I looked around trying to see what made him Squeal like that, but in the end there was nothing new or even Any new life around here, just me, him and chop.

I wonder what goes on in any of their minds, such odd people

((Hello hello people, This chapter is a bit different, since there will be maybe a second and a third to this, There could be just a second but who knows, depends on how big each chapter will be, but now, It's time to start Understanding what goes on in their heads, Since now they seem to get just a little of what goes on in yours, also, Bubba has officially become a fanboy, He Gon Be Squealing when he sees anything Adorable, I know it came from Where it wasn't cute, But he saw Something not even ChopTop and you the reader Themselves see yet, ChopTop may be getting there already, UwU Bonus meme~:

((Hello hello people, This chapter is a bit different, since there will be maybe a second and a third to this, There could be just a second but who knows, depends on how big each chapter will be, but now, It's time to start Understanding what goes...

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Anyway hope you enjoyed and I'll see y'all next time!))

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