chapter 16 (Shouting)

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Soon chop and I were woken up to the loud banging on the door, So we once again got up, Today I knew I'd get yelled at since I gave him permission to shout at me today, so I mentally prepared myself.

We walked out and Behold he was standing Outside the door waiting for us, Or me, He glared at me but didn't say anything, he was most likely expecting me to say something against him shouting at me before he starts but I didn't, I didn't say a word.

Chop looked at the both of us and he quickly Went Over to the Dinner table to eat breakfast, he wasn't prepared to Be here once Drayton blows up.

I was still silent, Waiting for him to start bragging, and soon he finally started "You better have a good reason for me to not stop you from having breakfast today for your behaviour last night "talk to me when I care" well do you care now? Huh?", I just thought for a bit and shrugged, still not saying anything, "Gal, you better speak before I hit you across the head with a hammer again", I sighed "I don't know, if you won't allow me to eat I won't, I don't HAVE an excuse for my behaviour except that I was tired" I tried to make myself not sound rude but I failed at that and he glared at me angrily, though even though I was in a happy mood, I really didn't care for his anger or what he'd do to me as a punishment, I just stopped caring for his anger because I knew what will happen to me in the end and even though it doesn't seem like I Was happy because I came off as sounding rude, I really was happy, "You're not getting breakfa-" I decided to cut him off, with a response I thought would make him think for a bit, Not that I really cared if I ate or not, so I said "Remember what happened last time I didn't eat Breakfast? Then I also got a punishment to not eat Dinner? Didn't end well..", he went quiet for a second but the growled "You'll eat dinner but not breakfast.", "Don't make promises you can't keep.", He growled again and walked off, I can't believe I did that, I smiled like a child and giggled to myself as I walked back into the room to rest until They were done eating breakfast, honestly there was never too much to do aside from the things Drayton suddenly comes up with, he does the cooking, Bubba is the only other one that Actually has something to do, since he skins the People, Though since Drayton comes up with things Suddenly we spend alot of time cleaning or trying to fix something that broke or looked Broken, Sometimes I'd end up helped with cooking Because he told me to, It sucked ass Because I knew what the meat was.

After they were done eating breakfast we went to work, Though Drayton didn't tell us much to do, He just seemed to stare as The 3 of us Were hanging out, talking and goofing around, Chop kept talking about how he wanted to make a band, He even Has some song titles he'd use, "Spot the Psycho" "Pigs are people too" "Dust N bones" ect, he was so happy about them, when I had asked him about the band name he thought for a moment and then grinned and then shouted at the top of his lungs "CornBugs!", I laughed at the Name but at least it was original (If you didn't know, That's an actual band Bill Moseley is in, he plays as Chop top, The other people in it are Buckethead (Brian Patrick Carroll), Travis Dickerson and Pinchface (Michael Andrew Hakopian) and they're amazing and I really love their songs, Favourites are Rotten meat, Dust N Bones, Pigs are people too, wasteland and Spot the Psycho, I love all of them but these are favourites at the moment), "It's gonna be great! I'll just need to get some folks to help! Since I can't be a band by myself!" He chucked and I nodded, Bubba seemed confused but interesting in the whole thing, Of course I'd love to hear him sing something of his own, He sings Alot of Oingo Boingo, Iron butterfly and Humble pie stuff, there's many more but These I hear commonly, More iron butterfly and Humble pie than Oingo Boingo but it's there.

Soon Drayton walked up to us to see what exactly was going on, mostly to shout at Chop for screaming so damn loudly, doesn't really make the situation any better but that's what's going to go down.

"Shut your mouth boy! I've told you and I've told you to shut your damn mouth!", Chop just looked at him and then went back to shouting about His favourite bands and what he'd do about his own, Drayton shouted at him again and with each time he shouted chop would scream louder, why? I don't know.

Eventually I couldn't handle either of their shouting, so I joined in "SHUT THE FUCK UP BOTH OF YOU", The room went silent in an instant, I took a deep breath to calm myself up and I looked at all of them, Bubba seemed startled, He already was with Drayton's shouting but He never expected something like that from me, Drayton seemed offended or angry at me, he already was but He never thought I'd End up screaming like that, Chop seemed impressed but he also looked like he wouldn't want me shouting anymore, I went as silent as them for a second before finally letting out "S-sorry..", "Woah..! I didn't know you could shout like that!" Chop seemed to be right back to the way he was now, "You better not shout like that again" Drayton added, Bubba just Mumbled something and patted my head, I laughed a little, I guess they weren't too affected by someone joining in on the shouting.. which is a good thing, I wouldn't have wanted to Get more embarrassment and Things to think about for my.. last few weeks, "I won't shout again.. at least I don't plan to.. I'm sorry if I do..", "Don't apologize! That was awesome! Do it again!", "She will not!", All these different opinions and Comments just made me laugh even more... Shouting Actually felt nice, Letting all these emotions out like that, it felt good and I really wanted to shout some more but I didn't want to anger Drayton anymore than he already is.. "come on! Shout some more! Shout shout shout shout Shout! SHOUT!", I laughed once again and shook my head "Sorry, Drayton says no so I can't, I would but I can't..", "Come on! Drayton Sucks ass and you're gonna die anyway, He can't tell you what to do he ain't the boss of you!" Chop kept on saying, "I know but it's still rude, this is his place.. I'm under his roof and while I am I have to follow his rules..", He growled "There ain't no actual rules, he makes them up as he goes!", "Boy I'm right here!", Chop lifted up his middle finger and laughed as he pointed it at him, god sometimes I wonder how I've been able to handle living with them and more importantly how they've been able to live with one another.

((Ey this is done, Hope you all like it, I'm kinda running out of ideas so You guys can suggest things and I'll see what I can do. if you saw my uh Thing? I told you about how I've gotten obsessed with Skinwalker and Wendigos and How I might make a book about my Halfbreed oc, you guys can also suggest a name for her because i don't do good with names, Anyway that's it for now, Here's your Bonus meme:

 if you saw my uh Thing? I told you about how I've gotten obsessed with Skinwalker and Wendigos and How I might make a book about my Halfbreed oc, you guys can also suggest a name for her because i don't do good with names, Anyway that's it for no...

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Have a great day/evening/night Uwu))

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